Top 7 Reasons Why People Don’t Get Promoted

Are you wondering why you did not get that big promotion you have been dreaming about? There are many good reasons why you may not have gotten it. See if you can recognize yourself in these common seven reasons:

#1 You Asked For A Promotion Too Soon

Most employers want to promote people who deserve it. It is very important these days to keep good employees happy. It is in the best interests of the company to keep good people happy in their jobs so they do not go elsewhere.

However, a common mistake among many business professionals is to ask for the promotion before you are really ready for it. How long have you been at the company? Are you positive that you have the maturity and skill to take on the responsibilities of a higher position? Have you demonstrated the teamwork and leadership skills that a higher position would require? Before you get all upset about being passed over, answer these questions honestly.

#2 You Fulfilled Your Job Expectations

Many business professionals get the idea that you should be promoted for doing your job and doing it well. Not really. You do not get a big promotion for doing your job. Doing your job is what you are paid for. Getting a promotion is your reward for doing more than you are expected to do, providing value to the company and discovering new ways that you can contribute to your company.

If you just meet your job requirements, that’s great and you can feel good about it. But do not expect to climb the ladder for just doing your job.

#3 The Title You Want Is Non-Existent

At times, you may ask for a promotion for a job that does not really exist yet. Sometimes the job you want just is not there. There may not be room in the budget right now for a new position, or there may not be enough work to justify the new job.

#4 You Have An Entitlement Mentality

Get out of your mind that promotions should be based upon your time at the company. Promotions are based upon your career development. If you think you are the greatest employee in the world, there is a good chance that you are not. You must have a team-oriented attitude to get anywhere in most companies. Express interest in the goals of the company and not just your personal goals. You should try to show that you are doing more work because you are interested in the wider goals of the company, and not just as a way to get up the ladder.

#5 You Are Asking For a Big Raise

Having a better title does not always mean a big raise. If your firm cannot give you a raise, they may turn down your request for a promotion. If you just want to have more job challenges and responsibility, you should make it clear that you are not asking for a higher salary at least at the start. Ask for a three month review after you have shown that you can do the job.

#6 You Have a Bad Attitude

You may get your work done well, but you do it with a poor attitude and plenty of griping. You make it clear that you know better than everyone else who works at the company. Remember: Being likable at work is as important as being good at your job. Your boss, managers and employees want to enjoy when they come into the office. And woe be unto you if you make the lives of your co-workers more difficult and unpleasant. People who do so rarely get the big promotion.

#7 You Are Not a Good Employee

This does not mean you are a bad worker. You have a lot of drive, vision and ambition, but you have trouble working under others. Some people are very motivated, high performing people and are not happy working for others. These are the type of people who should probably get out of the corporate world and work for themselves. You should try doing some consulting on the side or building your own small business.

If you do not get that big promotion, do not get too down on yourself. There always is a way forward. Be gracious, ask for more feedback, do a solid assessment of your job skills, attitude and abilities. And then, try to get a strong grasp of your company’s needs so that you can continue to advance your career in the future.