In This Section
- Non-State-Based MBA Scholarship Directory
- State-by-State MBA Scholarship Directory
- Calculator Tools
- Private Lenders
- Grants/Alternative Options
- Additional Resources
Deciding to obtain an MBA is a major obligation. You’re going to spend a great deal of time and effort in and out of the classroom over the next two years in pursuit of your degree. The financial obligation is just as important. In fact, the average cost of an MBA is now estimated to be between $100 and $200,000.
Useful Tools
- CommonBond: This student loan calculator lets you figure out exactly how much you need to borrow and estimates your payment schedule.
- Mapping Your Future: A different kind of financial calculator, this lets you figure out how much you can afford to borrow given your expected future earnings.
- VolunteerMatch.org: The majority of MBA scholarships require some level of community involvement. VolunteerMatch.org gives you opportunities for involvement based on your skills and interests.
- Mint.com: Mint is a great way to organize and track your personal finances, including any student loans. This tool allows you to figure out exactly what kind of loan you can fit into your life.
- Salary.com: They offer a useful cost-of-living wizard that lets you figure out the cost of living in a variety of different US markets.
- BankRate: Their student loan calculator lets you figure out how to pay your loans off quickly, avoiding paying tons of interest for your MBA.
- International Student: To help you write a killer scholarship essay, International Student provides samples and guidelines of scholarship essays that get results.
Private Student Loan Lenders
- State-Specific Lenders: There are private lenders specific to each state, and they usually provide better loans than national lenders.
- SoFi: SoFi provides competitive student loan rates and additional perks like negotiating training, interview coaches, and resume review services.
- Discover Student Loans: Discover offers variable and fixed interest rates, along with discounts for good grades and enrolling in automatic payments.
- Sallie Mae Bank: As one of the largest student lenders in the United States, Sallie Mae offers a variety of options for prospective MBA students.
- Citizens Bank: The TruFit Student Loan offers incredibly low variable rates, up to 8 years of deferment and no application or origination fees.
- Wells Fargo: Wells Fargo Graduate loans offer competitive rates with plenty of discounts and the ability to finance additional expenses such as laptops, books, and housing.
Grants and Alternative Options
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid: The US government provides financial relief for prospective undergraduate and graduate students, including MBA programs.
- Grants.Gov: Fill out one simple form here and your application will be submitted to hundreds of applicable grant opportunities.
- Financial Aid Finder: FAF is a terrific resource whether you’re looking to apply for scholarships, grants, or loans to fund your MBA education.
- Business Insider: If you’re currently working, many employers will assist you in your endeavor to further your education. This article discusses 15 companies that do just that.
- Federal Student Aid: PLUS loans are federal loans provided to qualified graduate and professional students.
Additional Resources
- Unigo: A leading resource for prospective undergraduate and graduate students, Unigo provides a comprehensive list of MBA scholarships for a wide variety of students and programs.
- Fastweb: This handy search tool allows you to enter in your strengths, skills, and the program you are applying for to find scholarships and financial aid you qualify for.
- Peterson’s: This is another useful search-based tool that allows you to search for academic scholarships based on your profile and interests.
- FinAid: Known as the SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid, you’ll be able to search for scholarships and figure out exactly how to qualify for them.
- Bloomberg Business: Every school offers its own specific scholarships for MBA students, and this article discussed 20 of the best MBA programs for students seeking financial aid.
- Credible: This website allows you to quickly search and compare student loan rates or refinancing options.
- SimpleTuition: A quick form allows you to compare private student loans and see if you qualify for any scholarships or aid.
- Student Scholarship Search: The experts here put together a free eBook on how to make the most out of financial scholarships.
- College Scholarships: CollegeScholarships.org maintains a blog on financial aid, which covers advice ranging from finding the right loan to qualifying for the most exclusive scholarships.
- Top MBA: One of the leading resources for prospective, current, and alumni MBA students, Top MBA offers plenty of information about financing your education.
- MBA.com: The official website of MBA preparation, MBA.com also offers plenty of information on how to pay for your degree.
- Nelnet.com: They allow you to fill out a single application to send to multiple private lenders, giving you a chance to quickly and easily compare rates and terms.
- MBA Salary: By the end of five years after earning your MBA, you can expect to make a full 80 percent more than you made before earning your MBA
- Value of a MBA: Is it Worth It?: While the cost of an MBA can create a lot of apprehension for prospective students, the overwhelming evidence from 2015’s graduates suggests that it’s not only possible to find a better job, but that the financial opportunities are much richer..
To help you out, here are the best resources for helping you plan how to afford and finance the cost of your MBA:
Non-State-Based MBA Scholarship Directory
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an MBA student in the U.S.
- Must show entrepreneurial characteristics
- Must show desire for advertising/marketing
- Must submit a video pitch of a company applicant would like to start
- Must be between the ages of 18 to 25
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 31
AfterCollege Business Student Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program in the U.S.
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 3
American College of Healthcare Executives/Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Fellowship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a minority student
- Must be in the final year of a full-time MBA program in healthcare administration
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must not be a previous recipient of the Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
American College of Healthcare Executives/Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be in the final year of a full-time MBA program in healthcare administration
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must not be a previous recipient of the Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Fellowship
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners/Ritchie-Jennings Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: $1000 to $10,000
- Must be an MBA student at a U.S. college/university
- Must submit two letters of recommendation (one from a professor or a Certified Fraud Examiner)
- Must have an interest in fraud education
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 6
Association of Insurance Compliance Professionals/Rick Guggolz Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: $1500
- Must be an MBA student at a U.S. college/university
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit letter of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Association of Management Consulting Firms Richard Metzler Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be attending an MBA program at a U.S. college/university
- Must demonstrate academic excellence
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
- Must plan to pursue a career in management consulting
- Must submit a letter of recommendation
Benefit: $5000
- Must be enrolled full time in an accredited MBA program in healthcare administration
- Must be in the second year of study
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to female applicants
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 2
Brown, PC National Founder’s Graduate Business Student Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be an MBA student in the U.S.
- Must show interest in entrepreneurship
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 6
Stephen Bufton Memorial Educational Fund
Benefit: $5000 to $10,000
- Must be female
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program at a college/university in the United States
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Commodities Floor Brokers & Traders Association A. George Gero Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program in the U.S.
- Must show interest in a career in the financial services industry
- Must show academic merit
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit essay
The Consortium for Graduate Study of Management Scholarships
Benefit: full-tuition fellowship
- Must be an African American, Hispanic American or Native American
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program at a member school
- Must show academic merit
- Recommended that applicants have three to five years of work experience
Other details:
- Application deadlines: Oct 15 and Jan 5
Corporate Finance Institute Annual Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in a U.S. MBA program
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate passion for finance
- Must demonstrate determination to improve the lives of others through your career
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship/American College of Healthcare Executives
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a minority student
- Must be in the final year of a full-time MBA in Healthcare Administration program
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must not be a previous recipient of this or the Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be female
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian MBA student
- Must focus on finance and/or derivatives
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 30
Forte Foundation Fellows Program
Benefit: varies
- Must be female
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program at a participating U.S. school
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
- Must demonstrate commitment to women and girls through community involvement or mentorship
Other details:
- Participating schools will nominate candidates for the Forte Fellowship
Golden Key Graduate Scholar Award
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a Golden Key member
- Must be a full- or part-time MBA student
- Must submit a letter of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 15
Benefit: $25,000 award and summer salary; $25,000 and a full-time job after fellowship is over
- Must be a U.S. first year MBA student
- Must be black, Hispanic or Native American
Government Finance Officers Association Goldberg-Miller Public Finance Scholarship
Benefit: $15,000
- Must be a full-time graduate MBA student in the U.S.
- Must plan a career in government finance
- Must submit a letter of recommendation from someone familiar with applicant’s public sector commitment
Government Finance Officers Association Frank L. Greathouse Government Accounting Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a full-time graduate MBA student in the U.S.
- Must have an accounting specialization
- Must submit letter of recommendation from someone familiar with applicant’s public sector commitment
Government Finance Officers Association Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a full-time graduate MBA student in the U.S.
- Must be a member of a recognized minority
- Must have a focus on government or nonprofit management
- Must submit letter of recommendation from someone familiar with applicant’s public sector commitment
Government Finance Officers Association Government Finance Professional Development Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a part-time graduate MBA student in the U.S.
- Must have a focus on government Must submit letter of recommendation from someone familiar with applicant’s public sector commitment
HubShout Internet Marketing Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an MBA student
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must have a demonstrated passion for internet marketing
Other details:
- Application deadlines: March 1 and Nov 1
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Brazilian student
- Must be enrolled in MBA program at a U.S. college/university
- Must demonstrate leadership
- Must demonstrate entrepreneurship
- Must demonstrate commitment to Brazil’s development
- Must demonstrate financial need
Kaplan Group Annual Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a graduate business student in the U.S.
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 12
Jane M. Klausman Women In Business Scholarship/Zonta International
Benefit: $2000 to $8000
- Must be a female MBA student in a U.S. accredited program
- Must demonstrate outstanding potential in the field
- Must submit application through a local Zonta club (locate one here)
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
LaGrant Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: up to $5000
- Must be a minority student (includes African American, Alaska Native/Native American, Asian American/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino)
- Must be pursuing an MBA with a focus on advertising, marketing or public relations at a U.S. college or university
Mary Elizabeth Lockwood Beneventi MBA Scholarship/Daughters of the American Revolution
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a full-time MBA student at an accredited U.S. college/university
- Must have a 3.25 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 10
Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship/American College of Healthcare Executives
Benefit: $5000
- Must be enrolled in the final year of an MBA in Healthcare Administration program
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be a U.S. or Canadian citizen
- Must not be a prior recipient of this scholarship or of the Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a U.S. resident
- Must possess an undergraduate degree
- Must have served in the military
- Must be enrolled in/accepted into an MBA program at one of the member schools
- Must submit online application
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Benefit: varies, includes summer internship
- Must be a first-year MBA student
- Must be a woman, black, Hispanic, Native American, or LGBT student
- Must show academic achievement
- Must show financial need
National Association of Black Accountants National Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1500
- Must be African-American
- Must be a NABA student member
- Must be currently enrolled in an MBA program in the U.S.
- Must have a 3.5 major GPA and 3.3 overall GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 31
National Black MBA Association/General Electric/Lloyd Trotter Scholarship Fund
Benefit: up to $10,000
- Must be a member of NBMBAA
- Must be enrolled in a US graduate program
- Must be a legal U.S. resident
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship form
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development American Indian Business Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at a U.S. college/university
- Must possess a document of Tribal Enrollment proving American Indian or Alaska Native heritage
- Must submit personal essay
National Founder’s Graduate Business Student Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program in the U.S.
- Must demonstrate interest in entrepreneurship
Orbis Investment Management MBA Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to an MBA program in the U.S.
- Must demonstrate a talent and passion for investing
Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Program
Benefit: $10,000/year for two years
- Must be enrolled full-time in the MBA program at McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University
- Must agree to complete an internship in an underserved American community
- Must be a current/former Peace Corps volunteer
- Must be enrolled at a participating university
PNC Bank Serving with Integrity/Student Veterans of America Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a military veteran
- Must be an MBA student at a U.S. college/university
- Must submit letter of recommendation
- Must submit essay and personal statement
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 2
Benefit: $2000 to $5000
- Must be a U.S. citizen/legal permanent resident
- Must be of Hispanic/Latino heritage
- Must be enrolling in an MBA program in the U.S. or Puerto Rico
- Must be a Prospanica member
- Must have a 3.0 GPA or a 2.75 GPA with two years of full-time work experience
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 31
QS Women in Leadership MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student in the U.S.
- Must register for ant attend a QS fair and complete applicant survey
Reaching Out LGBTQ MBA Fellowship
Benefit: $10,000/year
- Must apply to and be accepted into an MBA program at a participating school
- Must self-identify as LBGTQ
Elliott C. Roberts Scholarship/Institute for Diversity and Health Equity
Benefit: $1000
- Must be pursuing an MBA in healthcare administration at a U.S. college/university
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a U.S. citizen
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 11
Siebel Scholars Program for Second-Year Students
Benefit: $35,000
- Must be a second-year MBA student at one of the following schools: Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Wharton, MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard Business School
The Robert Toigo Foundation MBA Fellowship
Benefit: $1000 to $10,000
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program at a U.S. school
- Must be an ethnic minority
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must demonstrate a passion for a career in finance
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Transamerica Retirement Solutions Leaders in Health Care Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be an MBA student with an interest in healthcare administration at a U.S. school
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must demonstrate academic excellence
- Must demonstrate commitment to community service
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 11
State-by-State MBA Scholarship Directory
Alabama MBA Scholarships
Benefit: up to $40,000/year
- Must be a member of NBMBAA
- Must be accepted into Alabama A&M University MBA program
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 31
National Black MBA Association/University of Alabama Scholarship
Benefit: $1000 to $10,000/year
- Must be a member of NBMBAA
- Must be accepted into the University of Alabama Culverhouse College of Commerce Manderson Graduate School of Business MBA program
Other details:
- Application deadline: January 31
University of Alabama Birmingham Collat School of Business MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Collat School of Business
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
University of Alabama Culverhouse College of Business MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to Culverhouse MBA program
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for scholarships – no separate application is required
University of Alabama Culverhouse College of Business MBA Graduate Assistantships
Benefit: half tuition plus a stipend and health insurance
- Must be in Culverhouse MBA program
- Must agree to work 10 hours per week
University of North Alabama George E. and Cora Broman Endowed Scholarship for MBA Students
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to/enrolled in UNA MBA program
University of North Alabama Roscoe S. and Eva C. Tallman Endowed Scholarship for MBA Students
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to/enrolled in UNA MBA program
Alaska MBA Scholarships
Alaska Pacific University Alyeska Native MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at APU
- Must be an Alaska Native
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate financial need
Alaska Pacific University Alaska Tribal Health System Employee Scholarship
Benefit: up to 50% tuition
- Must be a newly admitted MBA student at APU
- Must be an employee of Alaska Tribal Health System
University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Management Alyeska Pipeline Alaska Native Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at UAF
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Preference given to Alaska Natives
University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Management Fred Smits MBA Business Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at UAF
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be an Alaska resident
University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Management William Paul Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the full-time MBA program at UAF
Arizona MBA Scholarships
Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business General Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a new or current student at the W.P. Carey School of Business at ASU
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 15 for incoming freshmen; Feb 1 for current/transfer students
National Black MBA Association/Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business Scholarship
Benefit: up to $25,000
- Must be a current NBMBAA member
- Must be accepted into MBA program at Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 31
University of Arizona
Eller College of Management MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at Eller
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarships – no separate application required
University of Arizona
Graduate Access Fellowship
Benefit: $4000 ($2000/semester)
- Must be applying to MBA program at Eller/U of A
- Must have shown academic achievement despite facing challenging social, economic or educational obstacles
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must document financial need
Arkansas MBA Scholarships
University of Arkansas at Little Rock MBA Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: full tuition and monthly stipend
- Must be a full-time student in UALR’s MBA program
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA
University of Central Arkansas College of Business Herbert and Lorene Kordsmeier MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into the MBA program at UCA
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
California MBA Scholarships
Lynn Adamson Memorial Scholarship/Women Health Care Executives of Northern California
Benefit: $5000 and one-year complimentary WHCE membership
- Must be a graduate female MBA student at a university in San Francisco Bay area
- Must be dedicated to a health-related career
- Must live in the San Francisco Bay area
- Must have at least one year of academic study remaining
- Must be in good academic standing
- Must agree to attend the WHCE Woman of the Year annual event
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 22
Anaheim University Full Tuition MBA Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition for MBA program
- Must enroll in MBA program at Anaheim University
- Must show academic merit
- Preference given to applicants with heat transfer, physics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, or international business experience
- Preference given to bilingual applicants
Lyn Boone Memorial Scholarship/HR Symposium Program
Benefit: $3000
- Must be an MBA student
- Must be residing in Northern California
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
Financial Women of San Francisco Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female enrolled in an MBA program at a Bay Area college/satellite campus
- Must plan to work in the financial services industry
- Must have a 3.4 GPA
- Financial need will be considered
- Must submit to interviews
National Black MBA Association/University of San Francisco
School of Management Scholarship
Benefit: up to $25,000
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be accepted into the School of Management at University of San Francisco
Other details:
- Application deadline: January 15 for fall semester; Nov. 15 for spring semester
Stanford Graduate School of Business Africa MBA Fellowship
Benefit: full tuition and fees
- Must be a citizen of an African country
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be applying to the MBA program at Stanford GSB
- Must agree to work in Africa for two years after graduation
Other details:
- Application deadlines: Sept 18 and Jan 10
Stanford Graduate School of Business Charles P. Bonini Partnership for Diversity Fellowship Program
Benefit: full tuition for two years
- Must be a minority student
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must be applying to MBA program at Stanford GSB
- Must agree to participate in an internship prior to the fellowship
Stanford Graduate School of Business Need-Based Fellowship
Benefit: varies, average $35,000/year
- Must be applying to/enrolled in MBA program at Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Must demonstrate financial need
Stanford Graduate School of Business Reliance Dhirubhai Fellowship
Benefit: 80% of the cost of tuition and fees for each year of the two-year MBA program
- Must be an Indian national
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be applying to MBA program at Stanford GSB
- Must agree to work in India for two years after completion of MBA program
Stanford Graduate School of Business USA MBA Fellowship
Benefit: full tuition and fees for two years
- Must apply to Stanford GSB MBA program
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate strong ties to one of the following states: WI, SD, OH, ND, NE, MO, MN, MI, KS, IA, IN, IL
Other details:
- Application deadlines: Sept 18 and Jan 10
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Berkeley Haas MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies, from $10,000 to $120,000
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must show academic merit
- Eligibility also based on diversity, gender equity, industry, leadership, LGBTQ support, and personal achievement
Other details:
- All students are automatically considered for Berkeley Haas scholarships – no separate application is required
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business David Aaker Marketing Fellowship
Benefit: $50,000 for two years
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must show interest in a career in marketing, with special interest in brand development or brand marketing
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Blue Duck Scholarship
Benefit: up to $20,000
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must have received undergraduate degree from University of Oregon
Benefit: $40,000/two years
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must demonstrate commitment to diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces
- Must agree to serve as a CGEL fellow
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Song Feiquing Fellowship
Benefit: $20,000
- Must be a high achieving, continuing full-time MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Preference given to international students, especially those from China
- Preference given to student who intend to pursue business opportunities in China after graduation
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Full-Time MBA Parent Grant
Benefit: varies
- Must be a new MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must be a parent living with dependent children
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to first-year international students, second-year international students, and domestic students (in that order)
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Galloway MBA Fellowship
Benefit: $50,000
- Must be in the Full-Time MBA program at Haas School of Business
- Must be a child of an immigrant
- Must demonstrate financial need
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must be interested in innovation, social impact and responsible business
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Jimenez Family Fellowship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must demonstrate financial need
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Brian Maxwell Fellowship
Benefit: $80,000
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit and desire to innovate
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Merit-Based MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an entering MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must show academic merit
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Mike and Carol Meyer Fellowship
Benefit: $20,000
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must have an undergraduate degree in engineering or science
- Must intend to pursue an entrepreneurial career
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Need-Based MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an entering MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must show financial need
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Need-Based Berkeley MBA Grant
Benefit: varies, up to $80,000
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must show financial need
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Dr. Tahir Fellowship
Benefit: $40,000
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must be an international student
- Preference for applicants who completed undergraduate education in Asia
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Tirado Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must show commitment to promote diversity
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Torres Family Fellowship
Benefit: $10,000 for one year
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must demonstrate leadership
- Must demonstrate commitment to diversity
- Preference given to California high school graduates
- Preference given to first-generation college students
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business Ulatowski Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must have completed undergraduate degree in Poland
- Preference given to students who intend to return to Poland after graduation
University of California Berkeley Haas School of Business C & J White Fellowship
Benefit: $50,000
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Haas School of Business
- Must be pursuing a career in finance
University of California Irvine Paul Merage School of Business MBA Fellowships
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to/enrolled in MBA program at UC Irvine Paul Merage School of Business
- Must show academic merit (includes GPA, GMAT/GRE score)
- Must have work experience
- Must have leadership experience
UCLA Anderson School of Management Merit Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at UCLA Anderson School of Management
- Must show academic merit
UCLA Anderson School of Management Donor Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at UCLA Anderson School of Management
- Must show professional development, community involvement or financial need
UCLA Anderson School of Management Nozawa Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must apply to the MBA program at UCLA Anderson School of Management
- Must be foreign-born, Japanese preferred
- Must be dedicated to professional research/academic activities in the Pacific Basin region
UCLA Anderson School of Management Second-Year Donor Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in second year of MBA program at UCLA Anderson School of Management
- Must show community involvement and academic merit
University of Southern California
Marshall School of Business Full-Time MBA Scholarship
Benefit: partial to full tuition
- Must apply to full-time MBA program at Marshall School of Business
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to full-time MBA program at Marshall School of Business are automatically considered for scholarship – no separate application is required
University of Southern California
Marshall School of Business Schoen Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must apply to full-time MBA program at Marshall School of Business
- Must demonstrate academic merit
- Must be a military veteran (have served at least three years full time active duty in last 13 years)
Colorado MBA Scholarships
Executive MBA in Health Administration Scholarship/University of Colorado Denver
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into the Executive MBA in Health Administration program at University of Colorado Denver
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- No separate scholarship application is necessary – all who are accepted into the program will be considered
University of Colorado Leeds School of Business MBA Merit Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to Leeds School of Business MBA program
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for merit scholarships at time of admission – no separate application is required
University of Denver Daniels College of Business MBA Merit Scholarships
Benefit: varies, usually $10,000 to $60,000 total for full-time MBA program
- Must be applying to Daniels College of Business full-time MBA program
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for merit scholarships at time of admission – no separate application is required
Connecticut MBA Scholarships
Yale School of Management Roberts W. Brokaw Free-Enterprise Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Must be selected for the Silver Scholars program
- Must plan to pursue studies related to the corporate sector
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management Robert C. Busch Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Must be selected for the Silver Scholars program
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management MBA Merit-Based Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management Herchinger Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Must be from the metro Washington, D.C. area
- Preference given to African-American students
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management National Society of Hispanic MBAs UPP Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Must be of Hispanic descent
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management Edward J. De La Rosa and Elaine F. Tumonis Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Preference given to applicants of Hispanic descent
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Benefit: varies
- Must be a joint degree MBA student at Yale School of Management and student at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
- Preference given to applicants of Hispanic descent
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management Sheldon L. Sussman Family Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a joint degree student in the MBA program at Yale School of Management and in one of the following fields: drama, medicine, healthcare, environment
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management Accelerated MBA/JD Program Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an accelerated MBA/JD student at Yale School of Management and Yale Law school
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management MBA for Executives Class of 2016 Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Must be in one of the following focus areas: Asset Management, Sustainability or Healthcare
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management Conley Brooks B.A. Family Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Preference given to students from Minnesota
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management Frederick T. Holliday and Frederick T. Holliday Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Must be from Indiana or a bordering state
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Yale School of Management G. Harold Welch Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Yale School of Management
- Must be from the New Haven, CT area
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Delaware MBA Scholarships
University of Delaware Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: 50% tuition scholarship and $4500/term stipend
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Lerner
- Must agree to work 10 hours per week
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
University of Delaware Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: up to 50% of tuition
- Must be a full-time student in the MBA-Health Administration track at UD
Other details:
- All applicants to the MBA-Health Administration program are considered for this scholarship-no separate application is needed
University of Delaware Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics Graduate MBA Scholarship
Benefit: up to 50% tuition reduction
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Lerner
- Must have exceptional academic qualifications
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
District of Columbia MBA Scholarships
George Washington School of Business MBA Merit Scholarships
Benefit: $10,000 to full tuition
- Must be applying to GW School of Business MBA program
- Must show academic merit
Georgetown University
McDonough School of Business MBA Merit Scholarship
- Must be accepted into/enrolled in the MBA program at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate professional achievements
- Must show commitment to service through past/current activities
Other details:
- All applicants to Georgetown’s MBA program are automatically considered for this scholarship
Hariri Family Endowed Graduate Scholarship/Georgetown University
McDonough School of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business MBA program
- Must demonstrate cultural appreciation for sustainable human development in Lebanon
Other details:
- All applicants to Georgetown’s MBA program are automatically considered for this scholarship
Military MBA.net/Georgetown University
McDonough School of Business Scholarship
Benefit: $20,000
- Must be a U.S. resident
- Must possess an undergraduate degree
- Must have served in the military
- Must be accepted into the MBA program at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business
- Must submit online application
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
National Black MBA Association/Georgetown University
McDonough School of Business Scholarship
Benefit: up to full tuition scholarships available
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must be accepted into the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business MBA program
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 22
National Black MBA Association/Howard University Scholarship
Benefit: one $5000 scholarship, two $10,000 scholarships
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must be accepted into Howard University
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov. 1 for early action; Feb 15 for regular deadline
Steers Center for Global Real Estate/Georgetown University
McDonough School of Business Scholarship
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University
- Must express interest in pursuing a career in real estate post-MBA
Other details:
- All applicants to Georgetown’s MBA program are automatically considered for this scholarship
Pat Tillman Foundation/Georgetown University
McDonough School of Business Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be a veteran or active duty military service member from any branch of the U.S. military, or spouse
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business
Florida MBA Scholarships
Florida International University Executive MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in executive MBA program at FIU
- Must show exceptional academic merit
Other details:
- To apply, email letter of intent and resume to [email protected]
Florida International University Exceptional Female Leaders Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in executive MBA program at FIU
- Must be female
- Must show exceptional academic merit
Other details:
- To apply, email letter of intent and resume to [email protected]
Florida International University Exceptional Black Leaders Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in executive MBA program at FIU
- Must be African American
- Must show exceptional academic merit
Other details:
- To apply, email letter of intent and resume to [email protected]
Florida International University Exceptional Technology Leaders Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in executive MBA program at FIU
- Must work in in the telecommunications and information technology industry in South Florida
- Must show exceptional academic merit
Other details:
- To apply, email letter of intent and resume to [email protected]
Florida International University Exceptional Entrepreneur Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in executive MBA program at FIU
- Must have started your own business
- Must show exceptional academic merit
Other details:
- To apply, email letter of intent and resume to [email protected]
Florida International University Exceptional Non-Profit Leaders Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in executive MBA program at FIU
- Must work in a non-profit organization in South Florida
- Must show exceptional academic merit
Other details:
- To apply, email letter of intent and resume to [email protected]
Florida International University International MBA Merit Scholarship
Benefit: 50 to 100% tuition reduction
- Must be enrolled in MBA program at FIU
- Must be international student
- Must have a 3.25 GPA and GMAT of 600 (for 50% tuition reduction) or 3.5 GPA and GMAT of 700 (for 100% tuition reduction)
Other details:
- Application deadlines: March 15 and May 1
Florida International University Online Academic Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the online Healthcare MBA program at FIU
- Must have a 3.25 undergrad GPA
Other details:
- To apply, email [email protected]
Florida International University Professional MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $7500
- Must be in the Professional MBA program at FIU
- Must have a 3.45 GPA
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 1
Florida International University Walter E. Massey Entrepreneurial Fellowship
Benefit: varies, includes summer internship
- Must be in Professional MBA program at FIU
Other details:
- To apply, submit resume to [email protected]
National Black MBA Association/Florida Atlantic University Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must be accepted into Florida Atlantic University
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Applications accept3ed on a rolling basis
National Black MBA Association/Florida Memorial University Scholarship
Benefit: $1000 to $10,000 per year
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must be accepted into the Florida Memorial University School of Business MBA program
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
National Black MBA Association/University of Florida Warrington College of Business Scholarship
Benefit: full graduate tuition
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must be accepted into the University of Florida Warrington College of Business MBA program
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
National Black MBA Association/University of Miami School of Business Administration Scholarship
Benefit: up to $25,000
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must be accepted into the University of Miami School of Business Administration
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Saint Leo University MBA Online Academic Achievement Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a newly enrolled MBA online student at Saint Leo
- Must have a 3.25 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug. 10
Stetson University School of Business Administration Alumni Advantage Scholarship
Benefit: $1500 to $5000
- Must be accepted into Stetson’s MBA program
- Must be a Stetson alumnus
- Must have a 550 GMAT score
- Must have excellent academic record
- Must have work experience
Stetson University School of Business Administration Business Foundations Scholarship
Benefit: $1500 to $10,000
- Must be accepted into Stetson’s MBA program
- Must have a 550 GMAT score
Stetson University School of Business Administration Global Advantage Scholarship
Benefit: $5000 to full tuition
- Must be accepted into Stetson’s MBA program
- Must be an international student
- Must have a 550 GMAT score
- Must have excellent academic record
- Must have work experience
Stetson University School of Business Administration Hispanic Professional Scholarship
Benefit: $1500 to $5000
- Must be accepted into Stetson’s MBA program
- Must be a Hispanic student
- Must have a 550 GMAT score
- Must have excellent academic record
- Must have work experience
- Must show leadership skills
Stetson University School of Business Administration Professional Endeavor Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000 to full tuition
- Must be accepted into Stetson’s MBA program
- Must be a business professional with three to five years’ work experience
- Must have a 600 GMAT score
- Must demonstrate potential
Stetson University School of Business Administration MBA Opportunity Grant
Benefit: $5000 to $10,000
- Must be accepted into Stetson’s MBA program
- Must show financial need
- Must submit essay
University of Florida Hough Graduate School of Business MBA Full Tuition Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be enrolled in MBA program at UF Hough Graduate School of Business
- Must show academic merit
University of Miami Business School Professional MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $20,000
- Must be admitted to the Professional MBA program at Miami Business School
- Must be a highly accomplished South Florida professional
- Must have career accomplishments
- Must show academic excellence
- Must show leadership skills
Georgia MBA Scholarships
Emory University Goizueta Business School Dean’s Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be admitted into full-time MBA program at Goizueta Business School
- Must demonstrate high academic excellence
Emory University Goizueta Business School Robert W. Woodruff Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition and fees plus $10,000/year stipend
- Must be admitted into full-time MBA program at Goizueta Business School
- Must demonstrate high academic excellence
- Must be committed to Goizueta’s core values
Georgia Power MBA Assistantship Fund/ Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $4500, tuition waiver, plus a two-year assistantship with40% of health insurance premium paid, monthly stipend for working 13 hours/week
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: varies, includes monthly salary and tuition reduction
- Must be an MBA student at Scheller College of Business
- Must agree to work for up to 14 hours per week in exchange for salary and tuition reduction
Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Graduate Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Scheller College of Business
- Must show exceptional academic excellence
- Must show leadership abilities
Other details:
- Applicants are nominated by MBA admissions committee- no separate application required
Lorberbaum Fellowship Fund/Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $10,000 per year for two years, plus a two-year assistantship with40% of health insurance premium paid, monthly stipend for working 13 hours/week
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
- Must have excellent GMAT scores
- Must have a strong record in previous academic work
National Black MBA Association/Emory University Goizueta Business School Scholarship
Benefit: up to $50,000
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be accepted into the Goizueta Business School at Emory University
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
National Black MBA Association/Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Scholarship
Benefit: over $100,000
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be accepted into the Scheller College of Business at Georgia Tech in the full-time or evening MBA program
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Herman and Mary Virginia Terry Scholarship/Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $1000 to $20,000
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
Terry Excellence Fund/Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $5000 to $15,000
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
Thilo Best MBA Assistantship and Fellowship Fund/Terry College of Business-University of Georgia
Benefit: scholarship of $2000 plus a two-year assistantship withreduced tuition, 40% of health insurance premium paid, monthly stipend for working 13 hours/week
- Must be a student in the MBA-Healthcare Management track at UGA
- Must be in the top one-third of the class
Hawaii MBA Scholarships
Oscar & Rosetta Fish Fund/Hawaii Community Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Hawaii resident
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be a full-time MBA student at any University of Hawaii campus except Manoa
- Must have a 2.7 GPA
LIGS University Opening Our Doors Scholarship
Benefit: $3500
- Must be an interactive online MBA student at LIGS university
- Must live and or work in Hawaii
University of Hawaii at Manoa Full-time MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled full-time in the University of Hawaii at Manoa MBA program
- Must show financial need
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to the full-time MBA program are automatically considered for scholarships – no separate application is required
University of Hawaii Foundation Alabaster MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $9740
- Must be a full-time Vietnam MBA student at University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate leadership and service in the program
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
University of Hawaii Foundation EMBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an Executive MBA student at University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
University of Hawaii Foundation Freeman Foundation Asian Fellowship Program
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in the Japan and China tracks of the Full-Time Global MBA program
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
University of Hawaii Foundation C. Dudley Pratt, Jr. Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an evening MBA student at University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Must be a Hawaii resident
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
University of Hawaii Foundation Michael and Judy Pietsch Endowed Study Abroad Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at University of Hawaii at Manoa MBA program
- Preference given to those in Executive, Japan-focused, China-focused or Vietnam-focused MBA programs
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
University of Hawaii Foundation Saltchuk Hawaii Companies Scholarship for the Distance Learning EMBA
Benefit: $4800
- Must be a student in the Distance Learning EMBA program at University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to Hawaii resident
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
University of Hawaii Foundation Shidler Jumpstart MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Must have a 3.3 GPA
University of Hawaii Foundation Mike and Deborah Washofsky Endowed Executive Education Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at University of Hawaii at Manoa Shidler College of Business
- Must have 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 16
Idaho MBA Scholarships
Boise State University Career Start MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in MBA program at Boise State
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Boise State University Executive MBA Class of 2008 Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in the Executive MBA program at Boise State
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in the Executive MBA program at Boise State
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Boise State University Ray Flachbart Graduate Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in the Healthcare MBA program at Boise State
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Boise State University Gang Graduate Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in the MBA program at Boise State
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must show involvement in community service
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Benefit: $34,000/year stipend; full tuition and fees; health insurance
- Must enroll in MBA program with concentration in Information Assurance
- Must complete a summer internship with a federal agency and agree to work for federal government for two years after graduation
Illinois MBA Scholarships
Africa Scholars Program/Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Benefit: $70,000
- Must be a citizen of an African country
- Must be in the MBA program at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Other details:
- All eligible students will be considered- no separate application is needed
Frederick C. Austin Scholarship /Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the two-year MBA program at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
- Must show academic excellence
- Must show leadership skills
- Must show community impact
Financial Need Based Scholarship /Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the one- or two-year MBA program at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be in the two-year MBA program at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
- Must be an exceptional student
James P. Gorter Scholarship/Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in the two-year MBA program at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
- Must be a student from an underrepresented background
- Must show outstanding academic merit
Donald P. Jacobs International Scholarship /Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the two-year MBA program at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
- Must be an international student
Benefit: full-tuition
- Must be in the second year of the two-year MBA program at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
- Must demonstrate academic excellence (be in the top 5% of the class)
- Must demonstrate leadership potential
- Must demonstrate dedication to public service
Reaching Out MBA Fellowship/Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
- Must be an LGBT student who shows promise as a business leader of tomorrow
- Must show outstanding academic merit
University of Chicago Booth School of Business Canfield Private Equity Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming MBA student at Booth School of Business
- Must show interest in career in private equity
- Must have prior investment banking or private equity experience
- Must show academic achievement
University of Chicago Booth School of Business Herman Family Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student at Booth School of Business
- Must show interest in entrepreneurship
University of Chicago Booth School of Business Khosla-Booth Private Equity Fellowship
Benefit: varies, includes mentorship
- Must be an MBA student at Booth School of Business
- Must show interest in private equity industry
- Preference given to female students
University of Chicago Booth School of Business Kilts Marketing Fellowship
Benefit: varies, includes mentorship
- Must be an MBA student at Booth School of Business
- Must concentrate in/plan career in marketing management
University of Chicago Booth School of Business Wallman Fellowship
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be a female MBA student at Booth School of Business
- Must show academic merit
- Must show leadership skills
- Must be committed to advancing women in business
- Preference given to underrepresented minority female student
University of Illinois College of Business MBA Corporate Match Scholarship
Benefit: up to$2500 /year matched to your company’s funding
- Must be a new applicant/accepted into the Professional MBA program at Illinois College of Business
- Must submit letter from company stating amount it will sponsor
University of Illinois College of Business MBA Merit Scholarship
Benefit: $2500 to full tuition
- Must be a new applicant/accepted into the MBA program at Illinois College of Business
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants are automatically considered for scholarship – no separate application required
University of Illinois College of Business MBA Illinois x 2 Scholarship
Benefit: 50% tuition reduction
- Must be a new applicant/accepted into the MBA program at Illinois College of Business
- Must be an alumnus of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Must have two years of post-bachelor’s professional work experience
- Must have a competitive GRE or GMAT score
- Must have a 3.3 GPA
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be a new applicant/accepted into the MBA program at Illinois College of Business
- Must be a graduate of a Historically Black College or University
- Must have a competitive GMAT/GRE score
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must have two years of post-bachelor’s professional work experience
Indiana MBA Scholarships
Indiana University Kelley School of Business Active Duty Military Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a new incoming Kelley Direct MBA student at Indiana University
- Must be on active duty in military
Other details:
- Applications accepted on a rolling basis
Indiana University Kelley School of Business Dean’s Fellowship
Benefit: two years of full tuition
- Must be accepted into MBA program at Kelley School of Business at Indiana University
- Must show academic merit
Indiana University Kelley School of Business Global Fellowship
Benefit: $25,000/year
- Must be accepted into MBA program at Kelley School of Business at Indiana University
- Preference given to students from Latin America
Indiana University Kelley School of Business Merit Fellowship
Benefit: $10,000 to $25,000/year
- Must be accepted into MBA program at Kelley School of Business at Indiana University
- Must show academic merit
- Must show leadership skills
Indiana University Kelley School of Business MBA Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: monthly stipend, partial fee remission
- Must be in the MBA program at Kelley School of Business at Indiana University
- Must agree to work 5-12 hours a week with professors and staff of Kelley School of Business
National Black MBA Association/Purdue University
Krannert School of Management Alumni Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be accepted into the Purdue University Krannert School of Management full-time MBA program
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
National Black MBA Association/Purdue University
Krannert School of Management Member Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be accepted into the Purdue University Krannert School of Management full-time MBA program
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
National Black MBA Association/Purdue University
Krannert School of Management Military Veteran Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be accepted into the Purdue University Krannert School of Management full-time MBA program
- Must be a military veteran
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business MBA Merit Based Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Mendoza College of Business
- Must show outstanding academic performance
- Must show prior work experience
- Must have high GMAT/GRE scores
- Must have leadership potential
- Must submit letters of recommendation
- Must submit personal statement
University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business MBA Meyer Fellowship
Benefit: full tuition and additional award for non-tuition expenses
- Must be an MBA student at Mendoza College of Business
- Must show outstanding academic performance
- Must have leadership potential
Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership
Benefit: $50,000
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program with a HR concentration at a designated campus in participating states (include Indiana, New Mexico, Wisconsin)
- Must be nominated by a local education leader or colleague
- Must commit to serve for three years in approved school/district leadership position in your state
Iowa MBA Scholarships
Kathleen Dore Women’s MBA Scholarship/University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
Benefit: Full tuition plus $5000 stipend
- Must be a second-year female full time, on campus MBA student at UI Tippie College of Business
Iowa Elite MBA Scholar Award/University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
Benefit: partial to full tuition
- Must be a full time, on campus MBA student at UI Tippie College of Business
Iowa MBA Emerging Markets Award/University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
Benefit: Partial to full tuition
- Must be a full time, on campus MBA student at UI Tippie College of Business
- Must be a citizen of one of the world’s emerging or frontier economies
Iowa MBA India and China Award/University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
Benefit: Partial to full tuition
- Must be a full time, on campus MBA student at UI Tippie College of Business
- Must be a citizen of India or China
Iowa MBA Women’s Award/University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
Benefit: Partial to full tuition
- Must be a female full time, on campus MBA student at UI Tippie College of Business
Iowa State University Cardinal and Gold MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at ISU
- Must be an alumnus of ISU
Iowa State University Diversity MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at ISU
- Must be from a diverse background (underrepresented minority)
Iowa State University Farm Bureau MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at ISU
- Must have a minor in sustainable agriculture or be pursuing a double degree MBA with MS in sustainable agriculture
Iowa State University Charles B. Handy MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at ISU
- Must participate in the ISU MBA Case Competition
Iowa State University Bill and Raedene Kalm Full-Time MBA Leadership Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at ISU
- Must show innovative spirit, outstanding leadership and accomplishments
Iowa State University Kingland STEM MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a STEM MBA student at ISU
- Must be an engineering or computer science major
- Must be a resident of NE, WI, SD, IL, ND, MN or IA
Iowa State University Leadership in Service MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at ISU
- Must show leadership qualities
- Must be a military personnel/veteran of active duty within past three years
Iowa State University Brian Mennecke MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at ISU
- Must have a background/career interest in information systems
Iowa State University Professional MBA Student Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Professional MBA student at ISU
- Must show academic achievement
Iowa State University Renewable Energy Group MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a STEM MBA student at ISU
- Preference given to applicants majoring in chemical engineering, agricultural engineering, biological engineering or focused on finance or supply chain management
Iowa State University Top-Performing MBA Student Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time, second year MBA student at ISU
- Must show outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated leadership
Iowa State University Top Performing MBA Team Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time, second year MBA student at ISU
- Must work effectively and collaboratively as a team
Iowa State University ZAGG, Inc. MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at ISU
- Preference given to applicants who are in the STEM MBA concurrent degree program
Returning Iowan Award/University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
Benefit: Partial to full tuition
- Must be a full time, on campus student in the MBA program at UI Tippie College of Business
- Must be a graduate of an Iowa high school
- Must live and work outside the state of Iowa at time of application
Henry Tippie Women’s MBA Scholarship/University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
Benefit: Full tuition plus $5000 stipend
- Must be a second-year female full time, on campus MBA student at UI Tippie College of Business
University of Iowa Alum Award/University of Iowa Tippie College of Business
Benefit: Partial to full tuition
- Must be a full time, on campus MBA student at UI Tippie College of Business
- Must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from the University of Iowa
Kansas MBA Scholarships
Kansas State University College of Business Administration Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: partial tuition waiver and stipend
- Must be in MBA program at KSU
- Must agree to work part-time in exchange for funding
University of Kansas MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $1000 to $10,000
- Must be a full time MBA student at University of Kansas
Other details:
- Application is included in welcome packet for new full-time MBA students
Kentucky MBA Scholarships
Northern Kentucky University Haile Foundation MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into NKU MBA program
- Must show financial need
- Must demonstrate career goals
- Must submit letter
University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business & Economics Kentucky Scholars Awards
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at UK Gatton
- Must show academic merit
- Must have high GMAT/GRE scores
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business & Economics MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at UK Gatton
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarship – no separate application required
University of Kentucky/University of Louisville/Commerce Lexington Inc. Executive MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000
- Must be in the UK/UL Executive MBA program
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 15
University of Louisville Graduate Programs Office Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into MBA program at UL
University of Louisville College of Business Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: $500 to $5000
- Must be accepted into MBA program at UL
University of Louisville Entrepreneurship MBA Early Admit Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be accepted into Entrepreneurship MBA program at UL
- Must have good academic standing
University of Louisville Young Professionals Association of Louisville Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into MBA program at UL
- Must be a working professional
- Must be an active member of YPAL
- Must be in good academic standing
University of Louisville Rotary Leadership Fellows Program
Benefit: $5000 and three-year Downtown Louisville Rotary membership and mentorship
- Must be a pending MBA graduate from UL
- Must agree to participate in Rotary committees
University of Louisville Taylor Leadership Award
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a graduating student in Entrepreneurship MBA program at UL
University of Louisville Graduate Research Assistantship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in MBA program at UL
- Must document interest in personal statement and interview
University of Louisville/University of Kentucky William O. Alden Jr. Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be an MBA student at UL or UK
Western Kentucky University Professional MBA WKU Employee Tuition Waiver
Benefit: tuition waiver up to six credit hours/semester
- Must be admitted to Professional MBA program at WKU
- Must be a WKU employee or immediate family member
Louisiana MBA Scholarships
Louisiana State University Shreveport Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an MBA student at LSUS
- Must be in the top 12 percent of the class
Benefit: $800/year
- Must be an MBA student at LSUS
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Louisiana State University Shreveport Helen and Frank Katzenstein Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: $1000/year
- Must be an MBA student at LSUS
- Must be full-time
- Must have 3.25 GPA
Louisiana State University Shreveport MBA Student Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at LSUS
- Must be enrolled in at least three MBA courses above foundation level
- Must have a 3.4 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Louisiana State University Shreveport South Shreveport Rotary Scholarship
Benefit: $1000/year
- Must be an MBA student at LSUS
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be financially responsible for yourself
- Must address Rotary Club if selected
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at SLU
- Must be married
- Must have a 2.7 cumulative GPA
Southeastern Louisiana University Byard Edwards Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at SLU
- Must have a 3.25 undergrad GPA
- Must be a resident of the Florida Parishes
- Must be taking only graduate coursework
Southeastern Louisiana University Mike Pereira Distinguished MBA Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at SLU
- Must have a 3.5 GPA (grad)
- Must be in financial need
- Must be of good moral character
Southeastern Louisiana University Sanderson Farms MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into MBA program at SLU
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be enrolled full-time
- Must show leadership skills
- Preference to students who have an undergraduate degree outside of business
- Preference to students who do not have a graduate assistantship
Tulane University Freeman School of Business EMBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies, up to 50% of cost of EMBA
- Must be employed full-time in mid- to upper- management position
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be applying to EMBA program at Tulane
- Must have seven years of work experience, five of which is in a position of management responsibility
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 15
Tulane University Freeman School of Business Merit Scholarship
Benefit: partial tuition
- Must be applying to MBA program at Tulane
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants are considered for merit-based scholarships – no separate application is required
Maine MBA Scholarships
Thomas College Graduate Merit-Based Scholarship
Benefit: $5000/year
- Must be accepted into full-time accelerated MBA program at Thomas College
- Must have a 3.0 undergrad GPA
University of Southern Maine Bank of America Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be an MBA student (full-time) at USM
- Must be in good academic standing
- Must show financial need
- Must be Maine resident
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of Southern Maine Graduate Studies Scholarship
Benefit: up to $3000/year
- Must be an MBA student at USM
- Must be in good academic standing (3.0 GPA)
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 11
Maryland MBA Scholarships
Johns Hopkins University
Carey Business School Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to or enrolled in the MBA program at Carey Business School
- Must be a U.S. citizen/eligible non-citizen
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 15
Loyola University Maryland Sellinger School of Business IgnatiusGrant
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Professional MBA or Emerging Leaders MBA program at Loyola MD
- Must show potential for success
- Must submit recommendations
- Must submit essay
- Must show dedication to Jesuit mission
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program at Loyola are automatically considered for grants or scholarships – no separate application required
Loyola University Maryland Sellinger School of Business Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Professional MBA or Emerging Leaders MBA program at Loyola MD
- Must show academic excellence
- Must submit recommendations
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program at Loyola are automatically considered for grants or scholarships – no separate application required
University of Baltimore Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: up to $1000
- Must be accepted into UB MBA program
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business Dean’s Award
Benefit: two-year scholarship for tuition and fees, plus one-year graduate assistantship
- Must be an MBA student at Smith School of Business
- Must show academic achievement
- Must have high GMAT/GRE scores
- Must have work experience
Other details:
- No separate application is required, all applicants to full-time MBA program are considered
University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business Smith Award
Benefit: one-year scholarship for tuition and fees, plus one-year graduate assistant opportunity
- Must be an MBA student at Smith School of Business
- Must show academic achievement
- Must have high GMAT/GRE scores
- Must have work experience
Other details:
- No separate application is required, all applicants to full-time MBA program are considered
University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business Terrapin Award
Benefit: up to $25,000 per year, plus graduate assistant opportunity
- Must be an MBA student at Smith School of Business
- Must show academic achievement
- Must have high GMAT/GRE scores
- Must have work experience
Other details:
- No separate application is required, all applicants to full-time MBA program are considered
Massachusetts MBA Scholarships
Benefit: $5000/year
- Must be an MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
Benefit: Full tuition
- Must be an MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
Babson College MBA Diversity Fellowship
Benefit: Full tuition
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
Babson College Blended Learning MBA Diversity Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
Babson College Blended Learning MBA Florida Residency Scholarship
Benefit: Full tuition
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
- Must be a Florida resident
Babson College Evening MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be an evening MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
Babson College Hamilton MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000/year
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
- Must submit essay
Babson College Olin MBA Fellowship
Benefit: Full tuition, books fees, stipend
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
Babson College Olin Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000/year
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
Babson College President’s MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $30,000/year
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
Babson College Price Babson MBA Fellowship
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
- Must submit essay
Babson College MBA Class of 2001 Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must have worked in a developing country or non-profit company
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application is made through one-time need-based scholarship application form
Babson College MBA Class of 2002 Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second year MBA student at Babson College
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application is made through one-time need-based scholarship application form
Babson College Donald M. Gally Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must be from the southern U.S. states
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application is made through one-time need-based scholarship application form
Babson College Elizabeth Little Bodman Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must be a woman furthering education mid-career
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application is made through one-time need-based scholarship application form
Babson College European Students Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must be from a European country
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application is made through one-time need-based scholarship application form
Babson College Student Leadership Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing full-time MBA student at Babson College
- Must show leadership in graduate school activities
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application is made through one-time need-based scholarship application form
Babson College Wertheimer International Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a continuing MBA student at Babson College
- Must be an international student
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application is made through one-time need-based scholarship application form
Boston University Questrom School of Business City Year Scholarship
Benefit: $15,000/year
- Must be admitted into the full-time Social Impact MBA Program at Boston University
- Must be a City Year alumni or staff member with at least one year of service
Boston University Questrom School of Business Dean’s Scholarship
Benefit: up to $35,000/year
- Must be applying as a full-time student to the MBA program at Boston University School of Management
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
- All applicants to the MBA program are automatically considered for this scholarship
Boston University Questrom School of Business Education Pioneers Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000/year
- Must be admitted into the full-time Social Impact MBA Program at Boston University
- Must be an Education Pioneers alumni or staff member with at least one year of service
Boston University Questrom School of Business FUNED Scholarship
Benefit: up to 40% of total cost of tuition
- Must be admitted into the MBA Program at Boston University
- Must have received a scholarship through Questrom School of Business
- Must be a Mexican national
Boston University Questrom School of Business Lead Scholarship
Benefit: up to $20,000/year
- Must be applying as a full-time student to the MBA program at Boston University School of Management
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
- All applicants to the MBA program are automatically considered for this scholarship
Boston University Questrom School of Business MBA + MSDi Summer Scholarship
Benefit: $5000 to $10,000
- Must be admitted into the summer semester of the MBA + MSDi Program at Boston University
Benefit: up to $15,000/year
- Must be applying as a full-time student to the MBA program at Boston University School of Management
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
- All applicants to the MBA program are automatically considered for this scholarship
Benefit: up to $35,000/year
- Must be applying as a full-time student to the MBA program at Boston University School of Management
- Must be a member of the NSHMBA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
- All applicants to the MBA program are automatically considered for this scholarship
Boston University Questrom School of Business Peter and Mary Diotte Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted into the MBA Program at Boston University
- Must have strong ties to Wisconsin or the Midwest
Boston University Questrom School of Business Singh Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted into the full-time MBA Program at Boston University
- Must be an Indian national
Boston University Questrom School of Business Social Impact Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000/year to full tuition
- Must be admitted into the Social Impact MBA Program at Boston University
Brightwood/NECB Alumni Scholarship/New England College of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate of Brightwood College
- Must be a new MBA-Human Resources student at NECB
Harvard Business School Fellowships
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Harvard Business School
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
Hult International Business School Military MBA Leadership Award
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Hult International Business School
- Must be a member of Military MBA
- Must have displayed leadership skills while in military
Other details:
- Rolling applications accepted
Hult International Business School Academic Excellence Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Hult International Business School
- Must have a strong GMAT score
- Must have a high GPA
- Must submit essay
Hult International Business School Dean’s Scholar Program
Benefit: varies, includes direct mentorship from the Dean
- Must be an MBA student at Hult International Business School
- Must agree to attend Dean Scholar Summit
Other details:
- Must be chosen by the Dean/school
Hult International Business School Social Impact Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Hult International Business School
- Must have demonstrated a positive social impact
- Must either be from a developing country or have worked with underprivileged populations
Hult International Business School Global Professional Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Hult International Business School
- Must have worked full-time for at least one year in a large global corporation
Hult International Business School Entrepreneurial Impact Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Hult International Business School
- Must have demonstrated involvement, leadership or a role in the outcome of an entrepreneurial project
Hult International Business School Senior Leaders Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Hult International Business School
- Must have demonstrated leadership skills through leading teams and working in international arena
Hult International Business School Women in Business Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student at Hult International Business School
- Must have work or internship experience or have led a team in an international environment
MIT Sloan School of Management MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at MIT Sloan School of Management
Other details:
- All applicants are automatically considered for MBA scholarships- no separate application is required
MIT Legatum Center for Development & Entrepreneurship Fellowship
Benefit: $25,000 to $50,000
- Must be a current MIT MBA student
- Must show interest in entrepreneurship
MIT PKG Center Public Service Center Fellowship
Benefit: varies, from $2500 to $5000
- Must be applying to MBA program at MIT Sloan School of Management
- Must be committed to public service
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 23
MIT Sloan School of Management MBA Fellowships
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at MIT Sloan School of Management
Other details:
- All applicants are automatically considered for MBA scholarships- no separate application is required
MIT MBA Leaders for Global Operations Fellowship
Benefit: varies, from $50,000 to $80,000 for two years
- Must apply to the MBA/LGO program at MIT
Other details:
- Every applicant to the LGO program who does not receive sponsorship from their company will receive a fellowship – no separate application is required
MIT MBA Leaders for Global Operations Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must apply to the MBA/LGO program at MIT
- Must show academic merit
- Must show strong dedication to LGO program and goals
MIT MBA Leaders for Global Operations Alumni Scholarship
Benefit: between $10,000 and $20,000
- Must apply to the MBA/LGO program at MIT
MIT MBA Leaders for Global Operations Alumni Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: between $10,000 and $20,000
- Must apply to the MBA/LGO program at MIT
MIT MBA Leaders for Global Operations Noyce Fellowship
Benefit: full tuition
- Must apply to the MBA/LGO program at MIT
- Must agree not to receive any additional tuition awards
- Must have previous academic and/or professional experience related to semiconductor industry
National Black MBA Association/Bentley University Scholarship
Benefit: 50% for part-time students and 100% for full-time students
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must submit NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be accepted into the Bentley University MBA program
Other details:
- Application deadline: February 1
NECB Alumni Scholarship/New England College of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate of NECB
- Must be a new MBA-Human Resources student at NECB
Virginia College
NECB Alumni Scholarship/New England College of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate of Virginia College
- Must be a new MBA-Human Resources student at NECB
Michigan MBA Scholarships
Michigan State University Eli Broad College of Business Full-time MBA Program Merit-Based Fellowship
Benefit: $2000 to $31,000/year for two years
- Must be an MBA student at Michigan State University
- Must have strong standardized test scores
- Must have qualified work experience
- Must have an excellent undergrad GPA
- Must pass interview
Michigan State University Eli Broad College of Business Full-time MBA Program Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: varies, from $20,000/year to $38,000/year, includes in-state tuition, health care coverage, monthly stipend
- Must be an MBA student at Michigan State University
- Must have strong standardized test scores
- Must have qualified work experience
- Must have an excellent undergrad GPA
- Must pass interview
University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business Full Time MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $10,000 to full tuition
- Must apply to the full-time MBA program at Ross School of Business
- Must show academic ability
- Must show personal and professional achievement
- Must show potential to contribute to community
Other details:
- All applicants to full-time MBA program are automatically considered for scholarship – no separate application is required
University of Michigan Ross School of Business Tauber Institute for Global Operations Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must apply to the MBA Program in Tauber Institute for Global Operations at Ross School of Business
Other details:
- All applicants to the program are automatically considered for the scholarship – no separate application is required
University of Michigan Ross School of Business Erb Institute Scholarship
Benefit: covers tuition in the third year of the MBA program
- Must apply to the MBA program at Ross School of Business and the School for Environment and Sustainability
- Must have an exceptional academic, professional and community record
Other details:
- Awards are made on a rolling basis
Minnesota MBA Scholarships
University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management Deans Fellow Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Carlson School of Management
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for scholarship – no separate application required
University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management Associates Fellow Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Eligibility:
Must be an MBA student at Carlson School of Management - Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for scholarship – no separate application required
University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management John and Nancy Lindahl Alumnus Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Carlson School of Management
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for scholarship – no separate application required
University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management Women’s Merit-Based Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Carlson School of Management
- Must be female
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for scholarship – no separate application required
University of Minnesota Carlson School of Management Dwight and Marjorie Peterson Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Carlson School of Management
- Must be from Minnesota
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for scholarship – no separate application required
Mississippi MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Delta State University and have declared human resources management as an area of emphasis
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must have demonstrated academic and leadership abilities
Delta State University Jerry Williams Outstanding MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a part-time MBA student at DSU
- Must be a non-traditional student
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
- Must submit recommendations
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergrad senior in business at Univ of Miss planning to study MBA at Univ of Miss next year
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Preference given to Louisiana or Mississippi resident
Missouri MBA Scholarships
Colonel Charles E. McGhee Scholarship/Columbia College
Benefit: $1000
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an MBA program at Columbia College
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must be a military veteran or dependent of a veteran
- Must submit two references
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Drury University Yates MBA Scholarship
Benefit: up to $2500
- Must be accepted into Drury MBA program
- Must have an undergrad GPA of 3.0
- Must have a 470 GMAT
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 16
Olin Business School at Washington University St. Louis-Olin Veterans Association Scholarship
Benefit: up to $40,500/year
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at Olin Business School
- Must have exemplary military service
Other details:
- Rolling applications accepted
University of Central Missouri ARAMARK Facility Services MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at UCM
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 15
University of Central Missouri BKD LLP Accounting Education Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student with an accounting concentration at UCM
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 15
University of Missouri-St. Louis Graduate Business Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be accepted into MBA program at UMSL
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
University of Missouri Trulaske College of Business Crosby MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $1000 to $5000
- Must be accepted into Crosby MBA program
- Must show academic merit
Montana MBA Scholarships
University of Montana College of Business Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at UMT
- Must show academic merit
Nebraska MBA Scholarships
University of Nebraska Omaha Union Pacific MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into MBA program at UNO
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Steve Anderson MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in MBA program at UNO
- Preference given to U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Preference given to candidates with community involvement and leadership skills
- Preference given to candidates with financial need
- Preference given to candidates interested in financial field or marketing
- Must have 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Nevada MBA Scholarships
New You, New Nevada Scholarship/Western Governors University Nevada
Benefit: $2500
- Must be applying to WGU Nevada’s Master of Health Leadership or MBA Healthcare Management program
University of Nevada Las Vegas Las Vegas Business Academy Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in MBA program at UNLV
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.25 undergrad GPA
Other details:
- Must apply online
University of Nevada Las Vegas Lee Business School MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at UNLV
- Must show academic excellence
- Must show work experience
- Must show community service
- Must show leadership
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for scholarship – no separate application is required
New Hampshire MBA Scholarships
Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business Scholarships
Benefit: $5000 to full tuition
- Must be applying to MBA program at Tuck School of Business
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
Other details:
- All applicants to the MBA program at Tuck School of Business are automatically considered for scholarships – no separate application is required
New Hampshire Society of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student
- Must be a New Hampshire resident
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be recommended by a teacher/business program faculty member
- Must have taken three upper level accounting courses
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
New Jersey MBA Scholarships
Jacob C. Abramson Memorial Endowed Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA in Professional Accounting Program at Rutgers Business School
Alfred J. Battaglia Memorial Fellowship in Supply Chain Management/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA in Supply Chain Management Program at Rutgers Business School
Ralph Bunche Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: $15,000 stipend plus tuition remission for up to two years
- Must be an incoming full-time MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must be a member of an underrepresented minority
- Must have a background of substantial educational or cultural disadvantage
- Must show exceptional academic merit
Robert E. Campbell Endowed Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full- or part-time MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must show academic merit OR financial need
Horace J. DePodwin Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a part-time MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must not receive tuition reimbursement from employer
Division of Professional Accounting Class of 1959 Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA Professional Accounting program at Rutgers Business School
Christina Dymsza Memorial Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at Rutgers Business School
- Must show high academic potential
- Must show financial need
- Must demonstrate interest in Latin American culture
George R. Esterly Memorial Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at Rutgers Business School
- Must be a graduate of a NJ high school
- Must have an outstanding undergraduate academic record
- Must have financial need
- Must have history of extracurricular activities in undergraduate school
Faculty Memorial Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at Rutgers Business School
William M. Freeman Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time incoming MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must have a 3.3 GPA
- Preference given to underrepresented minority students
Friends of GSBA Endowed Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Rutgers Business School
Joyce and Leslie Goodman Endowed Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must have earned an undergraduate degree from Douglass College or Rutgers College
- Must have an undergraduate GPA of 3.4
Hess Scholarship/Monmouth University
Benefit: $4000
- Must be enrolled in MBA program at Monmouth University
- Must not have received undergraduate degree at Monmouth University
- Must show academic merit
Dr. Annette Hollander Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must plan to pursue or further a career in government
Edmund L. Houston Foundation Program/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must be a minority student
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate academic excellence
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
Robert and Frances Kaplan Endowed Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must show financial need
Joel E. Kelly Memorial Endowed Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time, first year MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must demonstrate citizenship
- Must demonstrate leadership ability
- Must demonstrate social awareness in community
- Preference given to African-American students
Daniel I. Kessler Memorial Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Rutgers Business School
- Must be a NJ resident
- Must demonstrate financial need
Samuel Klein Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in the MBA Professional Accounting program at Rutgers Business School
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must show academic potential
Marketing Research Insights and Analytics Advisory Board Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in the MBA Marketing Research Insights and Analytics concentration program at Rutgers Business School
Gertrude Murphy Endowed Scholarship/Monmouth University
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in MBA program at Monmouth University
- Must show academic merit
Marcus and Cecilia Nadler Leaders Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in the MBA program at Rutgers Business School
- Must demonstrate academic performance
- Must demonstrate leadership potential
David Parkinson Endowed Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in the MBA program at Rutgers Business School
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
Pharmaceutical Industry Scholars Program /Rutgers Business School
Benefit: full tuition and internship
- Must be a student in the MBA program at Rutgers Business School
Rutgers Business School 75thAnniversary Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student MBA program at Rutgers Business School
The Sales Executive Club of New Jersey Foundation Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in the MBA in Marketing program at Rutgers Business School
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must show preference for career in marketing
Felice N. Schwartz Endowed Memorial Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in the MBA program on the Newark campus of Rutgers Business School
- Preference given to a female African-American applicant
Serkes Family Endowed Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full- or part-time student in the MBA program of Rutgers Business School
- Must show financial need
Sood and Singh MBA Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: $7000
- Must be a second-year full-time student in the MBA program of Rutgers Business School
- Must have completed 30 credits
- Must have a 3.33 GPA
- Must submit essay on pharmaceutical industry topic
- Must demonstrate financial need
Supply Chain Management Advisory Board Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in the MBA program of Rutgers Business School
- Must be interested in a career in Supply Chain Management and be pursuing/intend to pursue this concentration at Rutgers Business School
- Must submit essay
- Must submit to an interview
William & Helen Von Minden Scholarship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA in Professional Accounting program of Rutgers Business School
Benjamin & Anita Wolfe Endowed Fellowship/Rutgers Business School
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming full-time student in the MBA program of Rutgers Business School
- Must show academic merit
Wollack Scholarship/Monmouth University
Benefit: $250
- Must be enrolled in MBA program at Monmouth University
- Must show excellence in marketing
Rutgers Business School MBA/WNISEF Partnership
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be a Ukrainian or Moldavian student in the MBA program at Rutgers Business School
- Must plan to work in your home country after graduation
New Mexico MBA Scholarships
New Mexico State University College of Business Randy G. Campbell Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in NMSU MBA program
- Must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
New Mexico State University College of Business Kathryn Jaye Sepich Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in NMSU MBA program
- Must be female
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
New Mexico State University College of Business Bill and Sharon Sheriff Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in NMSU MBA program
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Prefer applicant with prior work experience
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
New Mexico State University College of Business Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: tuition and stipend
- Must be enrolled in NMSU MBA program
- Must agree to work 10-20 hours/week
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15 and Oct 15
University of New Mexico Bank of America MBA/MALAS Dual Degree Program Fellowship
- Must be enrolled in MBA/MALAS dual degree program at UNM
- Must show academic achievement
University of New Mexico United New Mexico Bank Fellowship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be enrolled in MBA/MALAS dual degree program at UNM
- Must show academic achievement
University of New Mexico Ruth & Ross Kailey Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in MBA program at UNM
- Must be a minority student
- Must show academic achievement
University of New Mexico Homer D. & Howard D. Olson Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in MBA program at UNM
- Must be a Native American
- Must have a BBA from UNM
- Must show academic achievement
Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership
Benefit: $50,000
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program with a HR concentration at a designated campus in participating states (include Indiana, New Mexico, Wisconsin)
- Must be nominated by a local education leader or colleague
- Must commit to serve for three years in approved school/district leadership position in your state
New York MBA Scholarships
Baruch College Zicklin School of Business Mitsui USA Foundation Full-Time MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College
- Must show academic merit
- Must specialize in international business
Binghamton University Lisa Abbott Professional MBA Women’s Leadership Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in Binghamton’s Professional MBA program
- Must be female
- Must hold a professional “outside” work position
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
Columbia Business School MBA Scholarships
Benefit: $7500 to $30,000
- Must be an MBA student at Columbia University’s Business School
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 19
Benefit: full-tuition fellowship
- Must be an MBA student in SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must be an African American, Hispanic American or Native American
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business National Society of Hispanic MBAs Scholarship
Benefit: partial to full tuition scholarship
- Must be an MBA student in SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must be a Hispanic American or demonstrate commitment to the Hispanic American community
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- No application is needed for this scholarship – admissions committee will choose recipient
Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business Park Leadership Fellowship
Benefit: full tuition grant
- Must be an entering MBA student in SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
Benefit: full tuition scholarship for MD to MBA program
- Must be an MD to MBA student at Cornell University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business Lester B. Knight M. Eng/MBA Scholarship
Benefit: up to $10,000/semester
- Must be an M. Eng/MBA dual degree student at Cornell University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business SAI MBA Fellowship
Benefit: stipend
- Must be a second-year MBA student in SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University
- Must agree to serve as a mentor to an undergraduate business manager
- Preference given to students with interest or experience in management consulting or strategy
Cornell University SC Johnson College of Business Peter and Stephanie Nolan Veterans Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student in SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University
- Must be a military veteran
Fordham University Gabelli School of Business Dean’s Premier Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition and fees, health insurance, $20,000 stipend
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Fordham University Gabelli School of Business Dean’s Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming MBA student at Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- All incoming MBA students are considered for scholarship – no separate application required
Fordham University Gabelli School of Business Hitachi Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have completed 30 academic credits
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Preference given to underrepresented minorities
Fordham University Gabelli School of Business Emily L. and Robert E. Smith Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have completed 15 academic credits
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Preference given to female students
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have completed 15 academic credits
Fordham University Gabelli School of Business James and Dolores Fernandez Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
- Must have completed 15 academic credits
- Must be nominated by faculty or administration for this award
Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program/Monroe College/King Graduate School
Benefit: up to 50% tuition reduction
- Must be a newly accepted MBA student in human resources concentration at King Graduate School, Monroe College
- Must have a 3.3 GPA
- Must be a full-time NYC government employee and remain so throughout the scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 31
Benefit: varies
- Must be a member of NBMBAA
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be accepted into Syracuse University Martin J. Whitman School of Management
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
New York University Stern School of Business Dean’s Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition and fees
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must demonstrate academic merit
New York University Stern School of Business Named Faculty Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition and fees
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must demonstrate academic merit
New York University Stern School of Business Consortium Fellowship
Benefit: full tuition and fees
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must be an ethnic minority student
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must demonstrate academic merit
New York University Stern School of Business Fertitta Veterans Scholarship
Benefit: $30,000/year
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must be a military veteran
New York University Stern School of Business William R. Berkley Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition and fees, plus $18,000/year for housing stipend and $10,000/year book stipend
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must demonstrate academic merit
New York University Stern School of Business Alumni Scholarship
Benefit: $60,000
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must demonstrate academic merit
New York University Stern School of Business Advancing Women in Business Scholarship
Benefit: $60,000
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must be female
- Must be committed to advancing women in business
- Must demonstrate academic merit
New York University Stern School of Business Stern Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition and fees for first year of study only
- Must be a newly admitted full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must demonstrate academic merit
New York University Stern School of Business Howard Gilman Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Stern School of Business at NYU
- Must have a previous career in the performing arts
Other details:
- No separate application is necessary – students are selected by Financial Aid office for this scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a JD/MBA dual degree student at NYU
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- No separate application is necessary – students are selected by Financial Aid office for this scholarship
Syracuse University Whitman School of Business MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at Whitman School of Business
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarship – no separate application required
University at Albany School of Business Pricilla Ewing Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at University of Albany
- Must demonstrate financial need
University at Albany School of Business Howard Kaplan & Randi Schuster Kaplan Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at University of Albany
- Must concentrate in Financial Market Regulation
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate financial need
University at Albany School of Business Professor Lakshmi Mohan Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at University of Albany
- Must concentrate in Information Technology Management
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate financial need
University at Albany School of Business Albert C. Mossin Endowment
Benefit: varies, may include graduate assistantship
- Must be in the MBA program at University of Albany
University at Albany School of Business Premal and Paule Shah Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at University of Albany
- Must be an international student
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate financial need
University at Albany School of Business Kimberly A. Welsh Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at University of Albany
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate financial need
University of Rochester Simon Business School Baycross Christian Family Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must be committed to social entrepreneurship
University of Rochester Simon Business School Bell Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
University of Rochester Simon Business School Chesonis Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must be interested in entrepreneurship
University of Rochester Simon Business School Edmund D. McGarry Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must demonstrate high academic achievement
University of Rochester Simon Business School Eric Vance Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must have above average academic achievement, leadership potential and professional promise
University of Rochester Simon Business School Mark Ain Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must show interest or background in entrepreneurship
University of Rochester Simon Business School Michael F. Werner Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must be pursuing education/career in business or global operations in manufacturing or tech industry
University of Rochester Simon Business School Robert Goergen Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must show academic excellence
- Must show potential for success as a business leader or entrepreneur
University of Rochester Simon Business School Rosmarie Brunner Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must be female
- Must demonstrate above average academic skills, leadership skills, professional promise and commitment to lifelong learning
University of Rochester Simon Business School David Reh Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must demonstrate capacity for success
University of Rochester Simon Business School Florescue Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
University of Rochester Simon Business School G. William Schwert Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must have a background/strong interest in entrepreneurship
University of Rochester Simon Business School Goldman Sachs Scholar’s Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must demonstrate interest and capacity for success in finance
University of Rochester Simon Business School Goodenough Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year Full-Time MBA student at Simon Business School
- Must demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit, academic and extracurricular achievements, initiative, high integrity and leadership skills
University of Rochester Simon Business School Schutzman Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must demonstrate high academic achievement
University of Rochester Simon Business School Sheehan Award
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must show academic and professional achievements
- Must be returning to school after years of working
University of Rochester Simon Business School Reeve Early Leader Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must be an Early Leader candidate
- Must demonstrate capacity for success
University of Rochester Simon Business School Full-Time MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA program at Simon Business School
University of Rochester Simon Business School Full-Time MBA Leadership Fellowships
Benefit: full tuition, plus $10,000/year stipend for partial living expenses
- Must be accepted into Full-Time MBA Program at Simon Business School
- Must have outstanding academic and professional credentials
University of Rochester Simon Business School Partner Schools Scholarships
Benefit: up to $10,000/year, plus priority admission consideration and a waived application fee
- Must be applying to full-time MBA program at Simon Business School
- Must be a current or former undergraduate student of one of the partner schools
North Carolina MBA Scholarships
Duke University Fuqua School of Business CASE Social Sector Scholarship
Benefit: varies, at least 25% tuition support for two years as well as internship funding
- Must be an incoming Daytime Fuqua MBA student
- Must be committed to applying business skills to create social impact
Benefit: varies, up to $5000
- Must be a first year full-time Fuqua MBA student
- Must participate in a paid or unpaid summer internship with a nonprofit or for-profit company
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 26
Duke University Fuqua School of Business MBA Merit Scholarships
Benefit: partial to full tuition
- Must be newly admitted to the Fuqua MBA program
- Must show academic achievement
- Must show leadership qualities
- Must show involvement in the community
- Must show extracurricular activities
- Must show professional accomplishments
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Duke University Fuqua School of Business Keller Scholarship
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be admitted to the Fuqua MBA program
- Must show academic achievement
- Must show leadership qualities
- Must show involvement in the community
Other details:
- Admissions Scholarship Committee selects winners of this scholarship– no separate application is required
Benefit: full tuition coverage, health insurance, stipend of $6000/semester
- Must be applying to or enrolled in full-time MBA program at Jenkins
- Must have outstanding academic qualifications
- Must not have completed four or more semesters of graduate study at NC state
- Must agree to work on applied research projects
North Carolina State University Jenkins School of Business Diversity Graduate Assistance Grant
Benefit: up to$4000/year
- Must be an MBA student at Jenkins
- Must be from an underrepresented group (includes but not limited to Native Americans, African Americans and Hispanic Americans)
North Carolina State University Jenkins School of Business Entrepreneurship HiTEC Scholars Program
Benefit: full tuition coverage, health insurance, stipend of $6000/semester
- Must be applying to or enrolled in full-time MBA program at Jenkins
- Must have outstanding academic qualifications
- Must not have completed four or more semesters of graduate study at NC state
- Must agree to work on applied research projects
North Carolina State University Jenkins School of Business Dr. Emol A. Fails Graduate Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time, professional evening or professional online student
- Must have at least two semesters of study left before graduation
- Must have a 3.0 MBA GPA
North Carolina State University Jenkins School of Business Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: partial to full tuition coverage, health insurance, stipend of $3000/semester
- Must be applying to or enrolled in full-time MBA program at Jenkins
- Must have outstanding academic qualifications
- Must not have completed four or more semesters of graduate study at NC state
- Must agree to work up to 20 hours/week
Benefit: full tuition coverage, health insurance, stipend of $6000/semester
- Must be applying to or enrolled in full-time MBA program at Jenkins
- Must have outstanding academic qualifications
- Must not have completed four or more semesters of graduate study at NC state
- Must agree to work on applied research projects
Benefit: $2500/year
- Must be a current, first time MBA student
- Must concentrate in Supply Chain Management
- Must have a 3.0 MBA GPA
- Must be interested in obtaining a job in public procurement
- Must be eligible to work in the U.S. on a full time permanent basis
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
North Carolina State University Jenkins School of Business Professional MBA Non-Resident Scholarship
Benefit: $3000
- Must be a Jenkins MBA student in the professional online program
- Must concentrate in Supply Chain Management
North Carolina State University Jenkins School of Business Wachovia Fellowship
Benefit: $2500/year
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Jenkins
Other details:
- Students are nominated for award by Jenkins MBA program
University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Fellowships
Benefit: ranges from partial to full tuition and fees, $5000 stipend, participation in fellows-only resume listing
- Must be in the MBA program at UNC Kenan Flagler Business School
University of North Carolina German Exchange Service Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into MBA program at UNC Kenan-Flagler
- Must apply to DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst German Academic Exchange Service)
- Must be a German student
Wake Forest University School of Business MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at Wake Forest
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program will be considered for scholarships – no separate application is required
North Dakota MBA Scholarships
As of July 2018, there were no MBA scholarships available in North Dakota.
Ohio MBA Scholarships
National Black MBA Association/The Ohio State University Fisher School of Business HBCU Scholarship
Benefit: $50,000/school year
- Must be a member of NBMBAA
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must have graduated from a Historically Black College or University (HBCU)
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at Fisher School of Business at The Ohio State University
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Benefit: $50,000/school year
- Must have been a member of NBMBAA for at least one year
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at Fisher School of Business at The Ohio State University
Other details:
- Application deadline: December 15 for early action; February 15 for priority consideration
Benefit: $50,000/school year
- Must be a member of NBMBAA
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must be a military veteran
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at Fisher School of Business at The Ohio State University
Other details:
- Application deadline: December 15 for early action; February 15 for priority consideration
Benefit: $50,000/school year
- Must have been a member of NBMBAA for at least one year
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
- Must have graduated from Ohio State University
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at Fisher School of Business at The Ohio State University
Other details:
- Application deadline: December 15 for early action; February 15 for priority consideration
Otterbein University MBA Merit Scholarship
Benefit: from 10% to half tuition
- Must be an MBA student at Otterbein
- Prefer GMAT score over 550
- Prefer GPA over 3.5
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program at Otterbein are considered for merit scholarships – no separate application is required
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business Full-Time MBA Merit Scholarship
Benefit: $1500 to full tuition
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Fisher College of Business
- Must display academic merit
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business Evelyn Michael MBA Fellowship
Benefit: $12,000
- Preference given to current or former U.S. military active duty personnel
- Preference given to minorities
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University
Other details:
- Applications are considered on rolling basis, but applicants are encouraged to apply by Dec. 31
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business Military Recruiting Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: $35,000/resident; $50,000/non-resident, equal to 50% MBA tuition, and monthly stipend
- Must be a current or former U.S. military active duty personnel
- Must have a strong academic record
- Must have a high GMAT score
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University
- Must commit to helping Fisher College of Business recruit additional military personnel into the program for 10 weeks
Other details:
- Applications are considered on rolling basis, but applicants are encouraged to apply by Dec. 31
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business U.S. Military MBA Fellowship
Benefit: $10,000
- Mut be a current or former U.S. military active duty personnel
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University
Other details:
- Applications are considered on rolling basis, but applicants are encouraged to apply by Dec. 31
Oklahoma MBA Scholarships
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management David A. Bagwell Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have 3.0 GPA
Benefit: variable
- Must be an MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must be an Oklahoma resident
- Must be enrolled in at least 9 credit hours
- Must be employed
- Must demonstrate scholastic ability
- Must demonstrate leadership ability
- Must demonstrate financial need
Benefit: $5000 over two semesters
- Must be an MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must be able to participate in CIE programs
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must be in the top 15% of undergraduate class
- Must have outstanding academic merit
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management Farnsworth Graduate Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Preference given to married students with documented financial need
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management Graduate Assistantships
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student on the Stillwater or Tulsa campus of Oklahoma State University
- Must have high GMAT score
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management B. Curtis Hamm Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be an MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have high GPA
- Preference given to applicants with at least a year of work experience
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must be accepted into the CIE program
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management Don Humphreys MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have an undergraduate degree in engineering
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management Michael S. Hyatt Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have 2.8 GPA
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management James B. Lathrop Family Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to a student athlete
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management Ed and Norma Leslie Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to a student with interest in insurance or financial and risk management
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have 3.0 GPA
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management Rahe Endowed MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to students with two years of work or military experience
- Second preference given to students with a recent technical degree from College of Arts and Sciences or College of Engineering, Architecture or Technology
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management Thomas and Mary Tatum MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full time MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have 3.0 GPA
- Must be a graduate of an Oklahoma high school
Oklahoma State University Watson Graduate School of Management Bruce Yee Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Oklahoma State University
- Must have 3.0 GPA
Oregon MBA Scholarships
Oregon State University Beaver for Life Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted to MBA program at OSU
- Must be an OSU alumnus
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for dean’s scholarships – no separate application is required
Oregon State University Lauren Denfeld and Danielle Denfeld-Groves Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted to MBA program at OSU
- Must have good academic standing
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Oregon State University Hertrich Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted to MBA program at OSU
- Must have background in forestry or wood science
- Preference given to bilingual applicants
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Oregon State University Steve Johnson Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted to MBA program at OSU
- Must be Oregon resident
- Must have a 3.25 GPA (undergrad)
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Oregon State University J.D. Power Fellowship
Benefit: up to $15,000
- Must be admitted to MBA program at OSU
- Must be female
- Must have leadership role in current employment, or be preparing to start/lead a business
- Must have 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Oregon State University Gary and Nancy Kneisel Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted to MBA program at OSU
- Must be married
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Oregon State University Maureen Leary Brown MBA Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted to MBA program at OSU
- Must be female
- Must have demonstrated leadership skills
- Must have a 3.25 GPA (undergrad)
- Must have contributed to the field
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Oregon State University MBA Dean’s Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted to MBA program at OSU
- Must exhibit exceptional academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for dean’s scholarships – no separate application is required
University of Oregon MBA Merit Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted to U of O MBA program
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for merit scholarships – no separate application is required
Willamette University Merit-Based MBA Scholarships
Benefit: 10% to 100% tuition
- Must be admitted to Willamette MBA program
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for merit scholarships – no separate application is required
Pennsylvania MBA Scholarships
Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full- or part-time MBA student at Tepper School of Business
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for scholarship- separate application is not required
Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business Booz & Company Scholars Fund in Business Scholarship
Benefit: partial tuition
- Must be a full- or part-time MBA student at Tepper School of Business
- Must show academic success
- Must show exceptional leadership skills
Benefit: full two-year tuition
- Must be a full–time MBA student at Tepper School of Business
- Must show academic success
- Must show record of personal and professional achievement
- Must show leadership potential
Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business James R. Swartz Leadership Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a first-year MBA student at Tepper School of Business
- Must show academic success
- Must show record of personal and professional achievement
- Must show leadership potential
Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business David A. Tepper Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Tepper School of Business
- Must show leadership potential
- Preference given to residents of Pennsylvania or New Jersey
Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business Angel G. Jordan Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming full-time MBA student at Tepper School of Business
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are considered for fellowship – no separate application necessary
Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming full-time MBA student at Tepper School of Business
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are considered for fellowship – no separate application necessary
Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business Murat Ozyegin Fellowship
Benefit: up to $30,000
- Must be an incoming full-time MBA student at Tepper School of Business
- Must be of Turkish descent
- Must demonstrate extreme financial need
- Must submit essay
Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business Teach for America/AmeriCorps
Benefit: application fee waiver of $200; $10,000 scholarship
- Must be an incoming full-time MBA student at Tepper School of Business
- Must be an alumni of AmeriCorps or Teach for America
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are considered for fellowship – no separate application necessary
McGowan Fellows Program for Second-Year Students/Carnegie Mellon Tepper School of Business
Benefit: full-tuition
- Must be in the second year of the two-year MBA program at Tepper School of Business
- Must demonstrate academic excellence (be in the top 5% of the class)
- Must demonstrate leadership potential
- Must demonstrate dedication to public service
National Black MBA Association/LaSalle University Scholarship
- $5000 for full-time and one-year MBA program
- $2500 for part-time hybrid MBA program
- Must be a current NBMBAA member
- Must be accepted into the MBA program at LaSalle University (full-time, one-year and part-time hybrid programs are all eligible)
- Must complete NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Application deadline for full-time and one-year MBA program scholarship: August 1
- Application deadline for part-time hybrid MBA program scholarship: one month before start of semester
Penn State Smeal College of Business Maimuna Mijindadi Anyene Memorial Fellowships
Benefit: full tuition waiver, health insurance and monthly stipend
- Must be an MBA student at Smeal College of Business
- Must be from Nigeria or of Nigerian descent
- Must have outstanding academic merit
- Must have leadership potential
- Must have work experience
Penn State Smeal College of Business Bunton-Waller Fellowships
Benefit: full tuition waiver, health insurance and monthly stipend
- Must be an MBA student at Smeal College of Business
- Must be from Nigeria or of Nigerian descent
- Must have outstanding academic merit
- Must have leadership potential
- Must have work experience
- Diversity preferred
Penn State Smeal College of Business Fulfillment Fund Fellowships
Benefit: application fee waiver, expense reimbursement to visit campus,full tuition waiver, health insurance and monthly stipend
- Must be an MBA student at Smeal College of Business
- Must have grown up in an economically and educationally under-resourced community
- Must have outstanding academic merit
- Must have leadership potential
- Must have work experience
Penn State Smeal College of Business MBA Fellowships
Benefit: full tuition waiver, health insurance and monthly stipend
- Must be an MBA student at Smeal College of Business
- Must have outstanding academic merit
- Must have leadership potential
- Must have work experience
- Diversity preferred
Penn State Smeal College of Business MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies, usually $5000 to $10,000
- Must be applying to MBA program at Smeal College of Business
- Must have outstanding academic merit
- Must have leadership potential
- Must have work experience
- Diversity preferred
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarships – no separate application required
Penn State Smeal College of Business Powerful Women Paving the Way Fellowships
Benefit: full tuition waiver, health insurance and monthly stipend
- Must be an MBA student at Smeal College of Business
- Must be female
- Must have outstanding academic merit
- Must have leadership potential
- Must have work experience
Benefit: up to $20,000/year to pay off student loans
- Must be within five years of graduating with MBA from Wharton School of Business
- Must be pursuing a career in the public or non-profit sector
University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business Military Scholarship
Benefit: $5000 or $10,000
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Katz Graduate School of Business MBA program
- Must have military/leadership experience
- Must have high GMAT scores
- Must have a good undergraduate academic record
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 30
University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business Merit-Based Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Katz Graduate School of Business MBA program
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Rhode Island MBA Scholarships
Bryant University Merit-Based MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into MBA program at Bryant University
- Must show academic merit
Other details:
- All applicants to Bryant MBA program are automatically considered for scholarship – no separate application required. Must apply by April 30 to be considered for scholarship.
Providence College Graduate Assistantship for MBA students
Benefit: varies, includes tuition benefits and stipend
- Must be an MBA student at Providence College
- Must work 20 hours/week for nine or 12 months
- Must remain registered for at least three MBA courses/semester
South Carolina MBA Scholarships
Charleston Southern University Dr. Jairy C. Hunter, Jr. MBA Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: $1000/year
- Must be MBA student at Charleston Southern University
- Must maintain 6 MBA credits/semester
- Must maintain 3.0 GPA
- Muse demonstrate financial need
Charleston Southern University Bowers MBA Funded Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in MBA program at CSU
Charleston Southern University Ashby MBA Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in MBA program at CSU
Charleston Southern University MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in MBA program at CSU
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business Jeffrey S. Arpan Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in IMBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business AVX/Kyocera Corporation Endowment
Benefit: $2500
- Must be in MBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Preference given to students from areas in which AVX operates
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business James F. Dickie Memorial Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a first-year IMBA student at Darla Moore School of Business
- Preference given to students enrolling in French or Spanish track
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business Fluor MBA Fellowship
Benefit: $2500 to $15,000
- Must be in MBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must be an engineering student
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business Global Leadership Fellowship
Benefit: $3000 for in-state residents; $2000 for out of state residents, plus $5080 to cover difference
- Must be in MBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must be one of the following: US Military, graduate of Moore School of Business partner institution, have an approved STEM health and medicine degree
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: up to $7000 in funding
- Must be an incoming full-time MBA student at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must agree to work 10 hours/week
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business John and Julie Herron Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in MBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must maintain 3.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business HIPP Endowed Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in IMBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must be a SC resident
- Must show intellectual curiosity
- Must show leadership qualities
- Must show interest in improving SC for citizens
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business John Keyes Memorial Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming IMBA student in Portuguese track at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must show academic promise
- Must show business leadership potential
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business Michelin North America Inc. Fellowship
Benefit: $5000/year for two years
- Must be in IMBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Preference given to applicants with undergraduate degree in engineering
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business Moore School Excellence Award
Benefit: varies, from $500 to $20,000
- Must be an incoming MBA student at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must show leadership potential
- Must show academic excellence
- Must show professional work experience
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business SCANA/Sonat Fellowship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be incoming student in MBA/IMBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must have 3.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
Benefit: varies
- Must be in IMBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must be of Turkish origin
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business Wells Fargo Fund for Excellence
Benefit: $2500 for two years
- Must be in IMBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must show potential for business leadership
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business Maria Yang Fellowship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be in IMBA program at Darla Moore School of Business
- Must be a female Chinese student
- Must show leadership potential
- Must show academic excellence
- Must show financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
South Dakota MBA Scholarships
University of South Dakota Anthony and Lia Zaccagnino Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be accepted into/enrolled in MBA program at Beacom School of Business
Tennessee MBA Scholarships
Middle Tennessee State University Samuel H. Howard MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at MTSU
- Must be African-American
- Must submit three letters of reference
- Must show financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
University of Tennessee Knoxville Haslam College of Business MBA Entrepreneurship Fellowship
Benefit: $10,000 for three semesters
- Must be in the Haslam Full-Time MBA program
- Must start a technology-enabled business while in MBA program- submit idea in application
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
University of Tennessee Knoxville Haslam College of Business Charles and Cantey Ergen MBA Fellowship
Benefit: tuition reimbursement and graduate assistantship, includes priority for summer internship at EchoStar Communications Corp
- Must be in the Haslam Full-Time MBA program
- Must have 3.5 GPA
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Benefit: stipend of $6100
- Must be in the Haslam Full-Time MBA program
- Must have successful academic performance
- Must show strong commitment to logistics profession
- Must agree to work 12 hours/week in supply chain management for UT
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
University of Tennessee Knoxville Haslam College of Business Full-Time MBA Merit-Based Assistantship
Benefit: tuition waiver and stipend
- Must be in the Haslam Full-Time MBA program
- Must agree to work 10 hours/week
- Must have high GPA
- Must have high GMAT/GRE scores
- Must have solid employment history
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for assistantships – no additional forms are necessary
University of Tennessee Knoxville Haslam College of Business Y-12/UT MBA Career Advantage Program
Benefit: graduate assistantship at Y-12 National Security Complex plus tuition waiver
- Must be in the Haslam Full-Time MBA program
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a bachelor’s degree in a tech field
- Prefer two years full-time work experience in sales, finance, marketing or engineering
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Accelerator Alumni Scholarships
Benefit: $5000
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must graduate from Owen’s Accelerator program
Other details:
- All MBA program applicants are considered for award- no separate application is required
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Max Adler Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show interest in investments
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Reita Nirakari Agarwal Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing a joint MD/MBA degree at Vanderbilt
- Must show commitment to serving community or underserved populations
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Anderson Family Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Carin and Todd Barth Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Melinda Owen Bass Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic excellence
- Must show financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Billings Family Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Douglas W. Binns Memorial Scholar
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must be studying marketing
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Elinor Boer Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must be building your own company or business enterprise while an MBA student
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Germain Boer Seed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must be an entrepreneur
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management J.C. Bradford Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Brockenborough Family Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the Executive MBA program at Owen
- Must show academic merit
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Frank M. and Ann S. Bumstead Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
- Preference given to a student from West Texas
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Wilbert E. Chope Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management William G. Christie Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
- Preference to students with financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management William S. Cochran Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management the Commodore Award
Benefit: partial tuition
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must have received undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt
Other details:
- All MBA program applicants are considered for award- no separate application is required
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management J. Dewey Daane Endowed Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MBA student at Owen
- Must have outstanding academic credentials
- Must demonstrate interest in international management
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Dean’s Scholars
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show outstanding academic credentials
- Must have significant post-bachelor’s experience
- Must have well-defined career goals
- Must have excellent communication skills
- Must have strong leadership potential
Other details:
- All MBA program applicants are considered for award- no separate application is required
Benefit: varies, from $10,000 to full tuition
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must demonstrate how you have supported the academic, personal or professional achievement of underrepresented minorities through an essay
Other details:
- All MBA program applicants are considered for award- no separate application is required
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Edmund B. Fitzgerald Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MBA student at Owen
- Must have shown a grasp of principles of global competitiveness during first year of MBA program
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Liz and Russ Fleischer Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Preference given to a student with three or less years of work experience who attended a liberal arts college
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Webb Folllin Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Taylor Force Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Preference given to graduates of U.S. Military Academy at West Point
- Second preference given to graduates of US Air Force Academy or US Naval Academy
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Lisa Froeb Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Martin S. Geisel Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must be Latin American
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management James R. Gordon Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must seek career in telecommunications and electronic commerce
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Thomas J. Hammond Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show financial need
- First preference given to male U.S. citizens
- Second preference given to female U.S. citizens
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Hawkins Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Bruce D. Henderson Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MBA student at Owen
- Must have shown brilliance, original thought and thorough investigation in first year of MBA program
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Ingram Scholars
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show outstanding academic credentials
- Must have significant post-bachelor’s experience
- Must have well-defined career goals
- Must have excellent communication skills
- Must have strong leadership potential
Other details:
- All MBA program applicants are considered for award- no separate application is required
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Innovation in Leadership Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a non-business undergraduate degree
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Henry D. Jamison Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Amy Jorgensen Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
Benefit: varies
- Must be a rising female second-year MBA student at Owen
- Must have a concentration in finance
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Victor and Gayle Mavar Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must have a learning disability
- Must have graduated from a Mississippi high school
- Priority given to dyslexic students
- Second priority given to sight or hearing- impaired students
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show financial need
- Preference given to U.S. citizens
- Preference given to students with concentrations in finance, marketing or entrepreneurship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Ralph Owen Jr. Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MBA student at Owen
- Must have shown brilliance, original thought and thorough investigation in first year of MBA program
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Sagebrush Fund Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
- Must show financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Greg Shipe Memorial Fund
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Preference given to students who began the MBA program after several years of work experience
- Must show financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Tse-Liang Soong Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must be in the international finance or banking concentration
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Hans R. Stoll Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must have a finance concentration
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Mark A. Tillinger Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show financial need
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Amy and John Underwood Family Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must show academic merit
- Preference given to students who focus on finance
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Peter E. Veruki Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to students with interest in finance
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management William E. Walker Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a first-year MBA student at Owen
- Must have demonstrated leadership, honesty and integrity
- Must have interest in entrepreneurship
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Richard S. Weinberg Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MBA student at Owen
- Must have a concentration in finance
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Chad White Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a second-year MBA student at Owen
- Must be interested in entrepreneurship
Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management Wigginton Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Owen
- Must be a top student in finance concentration
Texas MBA Scholarships
National Black MBA Association/Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business Scholarship
Benefit: $25,000
- Must be a NBMBAA member
- Must be enrolled as a full-time, on-campus MBA student at Rice University’s Jones Graduate School of Business
- Must submit the NBMBAA scholarship application
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business Admissions Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must apply to full-time MBA program at Jones Graduate School of Business
Other details:
- No separate application is required – all applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarship
Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business Crownover Scholars Program
Benefit: varies
- Must apply to full-time MBA program at Jones Graduate School of Business
- Must show leadership potential
Other details:
- No separate application is required – all applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarship
Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business Jones Partners’ Leadership Scholarship
Benefit:two years tuition
- Must apply to full-time MBA program at Jones Graduate School of Business
Other details:
- No separate application is required – all applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarship
Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business McNair Scholars Program
Benefit: full tuition
- Must apply to full-time MBA program at Jones Graduate School of Business
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate leadership abilities
Other details:
- No separate application is required – all applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarship
Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business Military Scholars Program
Benefit: varies
- Must apply to full-time MBA program at Jones Graduate School of Business
- Must be an active duty or veteran of the military
Other details:
- No separate application is required – all applicants to MBA program are considered for scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to full-time MBA Program at Cox School of Business
- Must show interest in marketing
Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business Dean’s Professional MBA Scholarship
Benefit: up to $10,000/semester
- Must be applying to Professional MBA Program at Cox School of Business (designed for full-time working students)
- Must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement
- Must demonstrate outstanding performance on GMAT
- Must demonstrate outstanding leadership potential
- Must show outstanding professional experience
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for scholarship – no separate application required
Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business Distinguished MBA Scholars
Benefit: full tuition
- Must be applying to full-time MBA Program at Cox School of Business
- Must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement
- Must demonstrate outstanding performance on GMAT
- Must demonstrate outstanding leadership potential
- Must show outstanding professional experience
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 8
Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business Diversity Scholars
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to full-time MBA Program at Cox School of Business
- Must be from diverse background (preference given to Native Americans, African Americans and Hispanic Americans)
Other details:
- All qualified MBA applicants are automatically considered for diversity scholarship- no separate application required
Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business Indian Scholars
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to full-time MBA Program at Cox School of Business
- Must be from India
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for scholarship – no separate application required
Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business ITOM Scholars
Benefit: $25,000/semester
- Must be applying to full-time MBA Program at Cox School of Business
- Must have professional experience in operations, information technology or business analytics and plan to pursue an MBA concentration in one of these areas
Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business Latin American Scholars
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to full-time MBA Program at Cox School of Business
- Must be from Latin America
- Must demonstrate academic merit
Other details:
- All qualified applicants are automatically considered for scholarship – no separate application required
Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business Marketing Scholars
Benefit: $25,000/semester
- Must be applying to full-time MBA Program at Cox School of Business
- Must have professional experience in marketing or advertising and plan to pursue an MBA concentration in one of these areas
Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business Full-Time MBA Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to full-time MBA Program at Cox School of Business
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate high performance on GMAT
- Must demonstrate leadership potential
- Must show professional experience
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are automatically considered for merit scholarship – no separate application required
Texas A&M University Mays Business School Full-Time MBA Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be admitted into the full-time MBA program at Texas A&M Mays Business School
- Must show academic merit
Texas A&M University Mays Business School Graduate Diversity Fellowship
Benefit: $13,000/year stipend; $5000/year for tuition and fees; paid graduate assistantship with health insurance
- Must be enrolled in the MBA program at Texas A&M Mays Business School
- Must have a proven record of success in a diverse environment
University of Texas at Austin McCombs MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies, from $2000 to full tuition
- Must be an MBA student at McCombs/University of Texas at Austin
Utah MBA Scholarships
Southern Utah University MBA Merit Scholarships
Benefit: partial tuition waiver
- Must be applying for full-time admission to MBA program at SUU
Other details:
- All MBA applicants are considered for merit scholarships – no separate application required
University of Utah David Eccles School of Business Full-Time MBA Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in full-time MBA program at Eccles School of Business
- Must show outstanding academic achievement
- Must show professional achievement
Other details:
- All applicants to full time MBA program are automatically considered for merit scholarships – no separate application required
University of Utah David Eccles School of Business Non-Resident MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be in full-time MBA program at Eccles School of Business
- Must not qualify for resident tuition
Other details:
- All applicants to full time MBA program are automatically considered for merit scholarships – no separate application required
University of Utah David Eccles School of Business MBA Scholarship
Benefit: varies, from $20,000 to $50,000
- Must be in full-time MBA program at Eccles School of Business
- Must show outstanding academic achievement
- Must excel in interview
Other details:
- All applicants to full time MBA program are automatically considered for merit scholarships – no separate application required
Utah State University Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Judith Johnson Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time, on campus MBA student at Huntsman School of Business
- Must have a 3.4 GPA
- Must have a desire to work in financial planning or capital markets
- Must show academic achievement
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Benefit: covers resident tuition
- Must be a full-time, on campus MBA student at Huntsman School of Business
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 1
Weber State University Dan E. James MBA/CPA Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Weber State with a declared accounting preference
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must submit essay
- Preference to applicants with connection to Eide Bally
Westminster College MBA Leadership Scholarship
Benefit: up to $5000
- Must be an incoming MBA student at Westminster College
- Must submit essay
Westminster College Grant Thornton/Westminster Tax Institute Scholarship
Benefit: $2500-$4000
- Must be in the MBA/Accounting Certificate student at Westminster College
- Must intend to sit for CPA exam
- Must show financial need
- Must show academic excellence
- Must submit essay
Westminster College Ronald and Janet Jibson Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be in the MBA program at Westminster College
- Must show academic excellence
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit essay
Westminster College Simmons Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be enrolling in the project-based online MBA program at Westminster College
- Must show academic excellence
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit essay
Vermont MBA Scholarships
Benefit: $15,000
- Must be an incoming Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate commitment to sustainable business/innovation
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 15
Benefit: $15,000
- Must be an incoming Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate commitment to sustainable business/innovation
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15, April 16 and May 15
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must be a non-U.S. citizen
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate commitment to sustainable business/innovation
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 16
Benefit: $15,000
- Must be an incoming Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must be from an underrepresented group
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate commitment to sustainable business/innovation
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Benefit: $25,000
- Must be an incoming Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate commitment to sustainable business/innovation
- Must demonstrate potential as a transformational change agent creating positive social/environmental value through for-profit business models
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 15
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must have the top GPA in semester in Modules 1 and 2
University of Vermont Grossman School of Business Sustainable Innovation MBA Class Leader Award
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must have contributed most to learning experience in class
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must have the highest cumulative GPA across Modules 1 through 4
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a Sustainable Innovation MBA student at Grossman
- Must have the greatest number of votes from classmates
Virginia MBA Scholarships
College of William and Mary Mason School of Business Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship
Benefit: full-time MBA tuition for two years
- Must be applying to MBA program at Mason School of Business
- Must have been inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma Society
- Must demonstrate outstanding professionalism
- Must demonstrate leadership potential
Other details:
- All BGS members are automatically considered for award at time of admission – no separate application required
College of William and Mary Mason School of Business Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: varies, includes in-state tuition and monthly stipend
- Must be in the second year of the full-time MBA program at Mason School of Business
College of William and Mary Mason School of Business MBA Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to MBA program at Mason School of Business
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for merit scholarships – no separate application is required
College of William and Mary Mason School of Business MBA McGlothin Scholarship
Benefit: full-time MBA tuition for two years
- Must be applying to MBA program at Mason School of Business
- Must have demonstrated academic excellence
- Must have demonstrated leadership skills
College of William and Mary Mason School of Business Mason Scholarship
Benefit: full-time MBA tuition for two years
- Must be applying to MBA program at Mason School of Business
- Must contribute to program through leadership and community service
- Must inspire excellence in others
George Mason University School of Business Graduate Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be in the MBA program at George Mason School of Business
- Must show academic merit and/or financial need
Other details:
- Use one online application to apply to all graduate School of Business scholarships
University of Virginia Darden School of Business General Military Scholarship
Benefit: $15,000 to $22,000/year
- Must be accepted into the MBA program at Univ of VA Darden School of Business
- Must have military experience
Other details:
- Application deadline is the same as the school’s admission deadlines
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming female MBA student at UV Darden School of Business
- Must demonstrate financial need
University of Virginia Darden School of Business Charles J. Lewis Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming minority MBA student at UV Darden School of Business
- Must demonstrate financial need
Benefit: varies
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must be an underrepresented minority (African American, Hispanic American, Native American)
- Must be an incoming MBA student at Darden School of Business
- Must demonstrate commitment to Consortium’s mission
University of Virginia Darden School of Business Darden Women’s Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student at Darden School of Business
University of Virginia Darden School of Business D.C. Women’s Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student at Darden School of Business
- Must be a resident of Washington, D.C., Maryland or Virginia
- Must demonstrate academic merit
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
- Must demonstrate ability to contribute to diversity of Darden community
University of Virginia Darden School of Business John L. Snook, Jr. Minority Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a minority MBA student at Darden School of Business
- Must show interest in the non-profit sector
University of Virginia Darden School of Business Joel Dean Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a first-year, female, underrepresented minority MBA student at Darden School of Business
- Must demonstrate financial need
University of Virginia Darden School of Business Kelso Family Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student at Darden School of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming MBA student at Darden School of Business
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must be a member of an underrepresented population in MBA programs
- Must show academic achievement
- Must show financial need
- Must show leadership skills
University of Virginia Darden School of Business Kirsti W. Goodwin Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student at Darden School of Business
University of Virginia Darden School of Business LGBT Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a LGBT MBA student at Darden School of Business
- Must show academic merit
University of Virginia Darden School of Business Nina Sandridge Powell Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female MBA student at Darden School of Business
- Must be a Virginia resident
University of Virginia Darden School of Business Marietta and Sherwood Frey Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an African-American MBA student at Darden School of Business
- Must show financial need
- Must show academic merit
- Must show promise and commitment for being a role model for African-Americans
Washington MBA Scholarships
African American Heritage Endowed MBA Scholarship/University of Washington Foster School of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be African-American
- Must be an MBA student at the Foster School of Business at University of Washington
- Must agree to partner with the Consulting and Business Development Center to provide consulting services to an African American-owned business in Seattle area
Ernest I.J. Aguilar Endowed MBA Scholarship/ University of Washington Foster School of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be of Hispanic/Latino heritage
- Must be an MBA student at the Foster School of Business at University of Washington
- Must agree to spend 100 hours working with a Latino business owner from an underserved community in Eastern Washington
MBA Merit-Based Scholarships/University of Washington Foster School of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming MBA student at Foster School of Business
- Must show academic excellence
Other details:
- All applicants to MBA program are automatically considered for merit scholarships – no separate application required
Seattle University Albers School of Business and Economics Bridge MBA Program Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be applying to Albers MBA program
- Must have high GMAT/GRE score
- Must submit essay
- Must have excellent undergraduate performance
University of Washington Bothell Woodinville Rotary Jerry Wilmot MBA Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a full-time MBA student at UW Bothell
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be a Washington state resident
- Must not be a member of/related to a member of Woodinville Rotary Club
University of Washington Bothell Don Whitney Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at UW Bothell
- Must have good academic performance
- Must have history of community service
West Virginia MBA Scholarships
Marshall University College of Business Chellegren Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Marshall
- Must have financial need
Marshall University Graduate College Frank M Deacon Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Marshall
- Must have outstanding academic record
West Virginia University College of Business & Economics MBA Graduate Assistantship
Benefit: tuition waiver, health insurance, $1100/month stipend
- Must be in WVU MBA program
- Must agree to work 20 hours/week for 12 months
Wisconsin MBA Scholarships
University of Wisconsin School of Business Full-Time MBA Program Alumni Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into full-time MBA program at Wisconsin School of Business
- Must have high test scores
- Must have work experience
- Must have high undergraduate performance
University of Wisconsin School of Business Full-Time MBA Program Dean’s Fellowship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into full-time MBA program at Wisconsin School of Business
- Must have been an undergraduate leader or a leader in career or community
- Must have high test scores
- Must have work experience
- Must have high undergraduate performance
University of Wisconsin School of Business Full-Time MBA Program Distinguished Graduate Fellowship
Benefit: one year of tuition and health insurance plus stipend
- Must be accepted into full-time MBA program at Wisconsin School of Business
- Must demonstrate leadership potential
- Must have high academic achievement
- Must have work experience
- Must have high test scores
University of Wisconsin School of Business Full-Time MBA Program Global Leadership Award
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into full-time MBA program at Wisconsin School of Business
- Must demonstrate global leadership experience
University of Wisconsin School of Business Full-Time MBA Program Outstanding Leadership Award
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into full-time MBA program at Wisconsin School of Business
- Must be a community leader
- Must demonstrate leadership skills
- Must demonstrate academic excellence
University of Wisconsin School of Business Full-Time MBA Together Forward Scholarship
Benefit:$1000 to $10,000/year
- Must be accepted into full-time MBA program at Wisconsin School of Business
- Must have strong academic skills
- Must have strong leadership abilities
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into full-time MBA program at Wisconsin School of Business
- Must be female
- Must have leadership skills
- Must be committed to helping women advance in business
Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership
Benefit: $50,000
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program with a HR concentration at a designated campus in participating states (include Indiana, New Mexico, Wisconsin)
- Must be nominated by a local education leader or colleague
- Must commit to serve for three years in approved school/district leadership position in your state
Wyoming MBA Scholarships
University of Wyoming John C. and Esther L. Clay Graduate Fellowship in Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Univ of Wyoming
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must show academic and career potential
University of Wyoming MBA General Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Univ of Wyoming
University of Wyoming Jack and Eileen Routson Scholarship in Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be an MBA student at Univ of Wyoming
- Must have marketing/management interest
- Must show desire to improve